Chapter 18

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A/N: I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but I decided that all 8th years would have class together for house uniting (read I've got no idea how to do the Dramione thing so I'm trying lots of different ways to put them together.) This chapter's gonna be super cliche.

Nico's PoV

"It's time to wakey wakey" A soft voice whispered in my ear.

I groaned and turned away. 

"Nico if you don't wake up this instant I'm going to get Thalia to shock you." The voice turned threatening. 

"Mmmmmmkay. Five seconds" I reply, rubbing my eyes. 

I open them and see the one and only Will Solace leaning over me with a big smile. I quickly close my eyes and try to stop the blush from spreading on my cheeks. I quickly get up and take my clothes to the bathroom. I closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Why? Why did I have to be roomed with Will freaking Solace? I brushed my teeth and quickly changed into my robes (did I say anything about their clothes? If I did, then ignore it. They have Hogwarts robes). I open the door and find will waiting for me on the bed.

"Wakey wakey? Seriously?" I ask sarcastically. He started to pout.

"I don't know how to wake someone up! It's not my fault." He grumbled.

"Aren't you head counsellor of the Apollo cabin?" I ask. "Don't you wake up the younger kids in your cabin or something?"

"I would if Apollo didn't wake all of us up by singing an ode to himself IN OUR HEADS every morning at sunrise." He replied.

I snorted.

"I can imagine Apollo doing that."

We walked towards the Great Hall. 

"HOW'S IT GOING LITTLE BROTHER!?" Yelled a voice behind us.

We turned around and found Bianca the ghost floating toward us. I should really check on that ghost problem.

"Bia!" I cried taking her in a hug. 

I could hear some whispers around us but well, who cares? She turned to Will.

"Are you treating my brother right? Are you nice to him? ARE YOU HURTING HIM? If you ever break my little Neek's heart I will make sure you get doomed when you die understood? So think two times before you break up with him." She threatened in a threatening voice. 

I could see Will's face getting red. Mine probably wasn't better.

"We ahh... Aren't... Umm....." He stuttered.

"Oh, you aren't together?" She asked. We shook our heads. "Oh well remember this when you finally get together because I'm not repeating myself."

Our heads were probably as red as tomatoes now. I didn't dare look up from the floor.

"What are you waiting for? Go get breakfast." She said as she shooed us into the Great Hall.

"What happened to you? Why are you so red?" Asked Percy as we sat down.

I buried my face in my hands. Will mumbled incoherently and put some food on his plate. 

"Bianca thought that Solangelo's cannon." Replied Piper.

"Ooooohhhhh," Said Percy in understanding.

"What's Solangelo?" I asked.

"You and Will's ship name." Replied Jason.

"I don't have a boat, young man." I deadpaned.

Jason face-palmed and then proceeded eating his breakfast.

They finished eating breakfast while chatting and/or arguing. 

"What class do we have next?" Asked Hazel.

"History of Magic." Said Frank, taking out his schedule.

"Ooooooh. Nico's not going to like this." Said Luna, giggling with Draco.

Hermione looked confused but Luna whispered something in her ear and she started to giggle.

"What?" I asked, "Why won't I like this class?" 

They ignored me and continued giggling. I turned to the other demigods and they looked as confused as I was. Until Annabeth got a look of realisation and she started giggling too. We just looked at her, trying to figure out what was so funny. 

"Oh my gods look at the time! We better hurry to class if we don't want to be late." Exclaimed Hermione (A/N: I am very well aware that no one would EVER say this like this.) 

We hurried to class and took our seats. Hermione sat with Draco muttering something about wanting to know how much of a git he was without his Malfoy heir facade. I'm pretty sure she has a thing for her. Awwww. They would look cute together. Ugh. Why am I even thinking like this? I'm not even related to Aphrodite. 

"Where's the teacher?" I asked.

"You'll see." Said Draco slyly.

I huffed and turned towards the blackboard. Suddenly, a feeling of death filled me. In front was a trembling, pale (well, as pale as a ghost can get) ghost.

Cliche, I know. Soooooooo... ImsorryIdidntupdateearlierIhavealotofteststhesedaysandtheyaregivingmeahumonguousheadacheIkindadidnthavetimetowriteplusIhavegrade8ABRSMexamscomingupandImsuperstressedsoIdidnthavetimetowrite. Sorry. I don't think I will update anytime soon cuz my exams aren't over but I will try to write when I have time and update as soon as possible. Sorry but I will go back on hiatus for an undefinied time (is that a word?). 😕 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye!
Ps- I didn't re-read this chapter so there may be some typos.

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