Chapter 19: Ignored?

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Dedicated to thorns_or_roses

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Dedicated to thorns_or_roses . Thanks for still commenting and supporting me. It seriously means a lot to me😊.

"The feeling of being ignored hurts."


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It had been about two days since the last call with twenty questions game and he was awaiting her call. Yesterday when he had called, she'd attended the call just for a second and ended saying that she was on a shift in the bakery. He was really sad about that but had no other option rather than waiting as his shy nature was resurfacing.

She called him at last.

"Hey Riya!"

"How are you?"

"I'm good. And you?" He almost immediately replied.

"I'm great as well." She'd said. A smile evident in her voice.

But suddenly he heard a loud thud with another voice belonging to a girl questioning, "Riya?"

"I'll talk to you later" she said and ended the call once again.

He was sad once again but a question came in his mind, 'why was he feeling so bad while being ignored? This wasn't the first time he was ignored...'

But just with this thought, the answer became evident with his racing heart and blushing cheeks while his thoughts about her making him dreamy.

But just with this thought, the answer became evident with his racing heart and blushing cheeks while his thoughts about her making him dreamy

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