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I run through the forest as fast as I can. My wolf, Kane, being distant as he is, is not helping. He wouldn't even let me shift and I haven't heard his voice in over a month.

I made the stupid mistake of beginning a relationship with Rebecca. My best friends little sister.

We took it too far.

Against Kane's warnings, against my better judgement. We became close. We became friends. We became intimate.

Was it loneliness? I don't know. But I got impatient and thought it was the right thing.

Until the night our wolves rejected each other, the night we went for a run. The first full moon passed and we decided to go for it. She went first as custom goes. The she wolf always goes first. And then we need to find each other.

I couldn't find her. Nor she me.

Our wolves didn't even bother stepping in.

Rebecca's been fine, her wolf isn't too angry. Apparently Rebecca herself wasn't even that into the idea of us being mates.

Me on the other hand, haven't felt Kane stir in over a month. That's why I am running in human form to keep fit at least.

But tonight it might all change. It's the chosen ball tonight and I am going. I have to go, I have to get a second chance and I have to get Kane to forgive me. And maybe, just maybe. I can find happiness.

As I take the stairs two at a time up to my room. I take of my running clothes and hop in the shower. After my shower I opt for a navy blue suit, white button down shirt, brown belt and brown shoes. I disregard the tie and decide to go without. I leave my hair messy. I am not the biggest man out there, I am quite lean though and tall. But I don't have Henry Cavils' muscles. Along with my stupid mistake I am hoping the she wolves at the ball don't judge my mistake of choosing the wrong woman.

I won't even start with who I really am.

Then I surely will fuck it up again.

Sometimes refraining from the truth is wise.


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