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I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face. This was enormously sweet of him to ask me to be his girlfriend officially. Most wolf relationships went so fast that after the run is successful, they immediately end up doing the marking and end up in bed together.

"I wouldn't mind being in bed with him now to be honest." I heard Cat whisper.

Deciding to ignore her I give James my biggest smile. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend, you don't even need to ask me."

"My mom told me that I have to treat my future Luna like a flower, I can't just leave her and not tend to her. I need to water her with affection, pretty and honest words and my time and devotion. So yes, I needed to ask you that. Because you deserve to be treated like you're the most special flower ever."

All I could do was stare at him in shock. Wow that was so cheesy but so romantic and amazing to hear. He must've taken my silence as a bad sign because he quickly cleared his throat and shuffled in his seat uncomfortably.

"Uhm, that's at least the way I see it but if you don't – "

"No!" I immediately cut him off. "No, James, I love what you just said and it means the world. I am so lucky." I smiled at him reassuringly.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Well, aren't you going to put it on?"

Oh, I completely forgot about the ring in front of me. I took it out of the box and slid it over my right ring finger. It looked gorgeous.

"Thank you." I whispered. Feeling a rush of confidence, I got up from the table and went over to his side bending down to kiss him softly.

Standing back up I saw his eyes grow slightly darker, his wolf must be trying to break through.

"I can feel him pushing, he wants to mark us, and honestly I want him to mark us too." Cat said

Wow, mark me? Already? It is the natural next step. But am I ready for everything that goes with that?

"Why wait? We know we will be together; we're going to be mates. Why not just get it over with? "Cat asked.

Looking at James struggling across from me I realized now is not the time to have this conversation with Catriona. So, I pushed her back and grabbed his hand.

"Shall we go?" I asked

James grabbed the edge of the table and closed his eyes, breathing heavily. After a few seconds he opened his eyes again looking at me. His eyes were their normal colour again.

"Sorry about that, he got a little out of hand." He says while lightly chuckling. "But yes, let's get going back. Don't want you to get in bed too late on your first night." He said as he winked at me.

Taking my hand, he led me outside to the Jeep.

We drove home in silent as I laid my hand softly on his leg. Looking at the rear-view mirror – I could see the lights of the other cars following us. Feeling assured once again that Richard couldn't get to me, I leaned my head against the window. I almost dozed off but just when I was about to, we reached the forest.

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