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I had the nicest dream last night. I dreamt that James and I took things further than we've ever done before. It felt so real, his lips were on my lips, on my mark, on my breasts and...

My eyes flew open at the realization that it was in fact not a dream. I bolt upright realising too late that I am stark naked and me getting up gave a clear view of my body. My eyes go to James who is lying in bed with his arms behind his head smiling at me.

Is he laughing at me?

"Morning beautiful." He chuckles. "You might want to cover yourself if you don't want a repeat of last night."

Goddess. With speed only I can master I jump back in bed pulling the covers over my head.

James lets out a loud laugh and the whole bed shakes as the wonderful sounds erupts from his body.

I am so ashamed, the heat made me into a crazed sexually deprived she-wolf. As all of the memories of last night flood my brain the blush on my cheeks deepens and I can't help but groan inwardly at my behaviour.

I feel the sheets being gently dragged from my face and I cover my face with my hands as my head is exposed.

"Kathryn, don't be embarrassed. It was just the heat. But I would love it if we could have a repeat of that when you're ready." He whispers against my ear.

I peer at him through my fingers and soon I burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, I just feel so shy now. I wasn't myself. But it was amazing, thank you for helping me." I say while caressing his cheek.

He kisses the inside of my hand before he flops back down on his back.

"And thank you for not allowing us to mate last night. I would've hated myself for it to happen when I wasn't my full self." I say softly this time.

He turns on his side to me and smiles. "I know, that's why I had to go to the bathroom to gather myself and have a stern talking with Kane. I made him understand that although Catriona was on the forefront and wanted to mate it wouldn't be as wonderful as it would be if you were also there."

"Thank you." I whisper.

"As much as I want to stay in bed with you all day, I need to go find Robert and get an update on the Alpha I saw yesterday."

"All good, I'll go find Rebecca – she wanted to hang out yesterday but we were...interrupted."

With one last kiss he leaves me in bed.

After staying like that for a few more minutes I decided to go take a shower and get dressed for the day. I opt for a long-sleeved dress, leggings and my ankle boots. It's not as cold today so I was happy to be able to wear a dress.

Walking down to the pack kitchen I walk straight into Rebecca in the hall.

'Hey! I was just going to come and find you." I say while giving her a hug.

Relief crossed her face when she sees me. "I was looking for you too. I was wondering if you wanted to go to town with me? I wanted to go shopping and maybe grab lunch and just get off pack grounds."

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