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He was standing inches away from me. His hands cupping my face and his forehead touching mine. I could feel my breathing becoming heavier as I realise what might happen now but I couldn't move.

I wanted him to kiss me.

I felt his hands move from my face down to my neck and I struggled to hold back a shiver. His hands were roaming further down my arms and stopping at my waist. Lightly squeezing me and it almost made me lose my balance, if he wasn't holding me I would've fallen forward and our lips would be touching. Realising this I pressed my hands against his chest. Before I could speak I hear his voice, lower than before.

"As much as I want to kiss you right now. I am going to be stepping away now." he says while softly chuckling.

We step away at the same time and I look in his eyes. Breathing heavily we burst out laughing.

"You're going to kill me Kathryn." He whispers as his hand reaches up again touching my cheek. Dropping his hand to my hand and lifting it to his face he kisses it lightly before he gets in his truck. With one last look in my direction he turns into the road leaving me standing there watching as the trucks lights get smaller.

"Wow." Catriona says in my head. "Just wow."

"I know Cat. He is making me feel and do things I've never been capable of before. Do you think you will like his wolf?"

"Kathryn, I don't know..." she trails off.

"Please, Cat, I need to know what you feel. I need to know if this is going anywhere." I beg her.

"I don't know because I can't feel his wolf. He is blocking me. So I can't tell. But I can tell you I like James very much."

"Okay, I guess this is just part of the risk then."

I walk back into my house, locking the door behind me. As I get ready for bed I can't stop thinking about James and how it felt when he was touching me. A blush runs to my cheeks thinking what might've happened if we didn't stop.

I've never been kissed before. After Richard said he saw my breasts and smelled my blood I felt dirty. I never wanted to be looked at by a male nor did I want to look.

I didn't want someone special.

I went to the ball being sure there would be no one there for me. And here I am lying in my bed smiling like a schoolgirl.

I would go with him in a heartbeat if his wolf accepts me. He can fill the empty void I feel everyday. The void where my family was.

I soon fall into a dreamless sleep.

Only 3 more weeks to go.


The next three weeks went by excruciatingly slow. But it was also one of the best 3 weeks of my life. James came over every day for a few hours. We were never alone though, Rick, Jenny or my aunt would always be with us. We would drink coffee, play games and sometimes he would stay for dinner. And sometimes he would leave abruptly after receiving a mysterious phone call. He would always just say it was pack business but I can't imagine a pack that small would have such pressing issues.

Small pack or not. You could feel his power. When he walks in the room he oozes confidence and strength. After a week he told my family to refrain from bowing their heads but they refused as custom is that you should show respect to an Alpha or Luna before you can drop formalities. It's an old tradition that hasn't gone away. If I am to be his Luna. I will also have to be treated that way.

The thought of being his Luna made me nervous. I don't know anything about his pack or where it is exactly. He always changes the subject. Probably worried what I would think. I want to tell him it doesn't matter if they're the smallest, poorest pack in the country. But I always stay silent.

We were also getting the paperwork ready for when I have to move packs. Or rather, if I have to move packs. I should actually say him and my packs Alpha were doing that seeing as I still know nothing.

If our wolves are compatible he has to state out loud that I am to be his mate. And I have to then accept. My ties with my pack will then be immediately cut. Then I will be free to leave. It's quite easy but there's still paperwork to be done so I am on file for his pack. We then have to have a ceremony to welcome me as the new Luna of his pack.

Tonight is full moon, so tomorrow will be the day that we can go for a run. I was incredibly nervous.

What if his wolf rejects me? What if his wolf won't let him shift? He says his wolf has been more present but the possibility of that happening is still there. What if his wolf wants me and he decides he wants someone else rather?

"I doubt that" I hear Catriona say.

"What makes you so sure Cat?"

"Well he can't really refuse his wolf firstly. That's the whole point of this. If we as wolves want each other the natural next steps is the marking. It's unexplainable. But, the human feels what the wolf feels too. Because you as a human are one with your wolf. Granted some humans go against their wolves for someone not for them as you know. But I guarantee James wants you. I can feel his heart pick up when you're around." she finishes.

"Yeah thanks Cat, I guess that makes sense. So you want him then?" I ask.

"I like James. But I can't get a read on his wolf. Which is why I am glad we haven't become intimate. We did this right."

"Thanks Cat, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"No probs." she says before closing off.

She is probably nervous as well. The stakes are high. I get ready for bed and despite my nerves I fall asleep quickly. Not realising the dark figure outside my window.


I wake up when I feel someone climb in bed with me. Before I could scream a hand clasps over my mouth so my scream comes out muffled.

And then I smell him. Richard.

"Hello pretty girl. You've grown up. Did you miss me?"

Still unable to speak all that comes out of me is strangled and muffled screams.

"You think that you can just replace me with someone else huh? Well I got news for you pretty girl. If I can't have you. No one will. Every time you escape me I will come back for you. And if that doesn't work I will kill your lover and then kill you." he grits out through his teeth.

I start to scream more as his other hand slowly moves down my side to my thigh inching my t shirt up.

I wake with a jolt upright in my bed. It takes me a moment to realise where I am and that no one is in my room. My breathing ragged as I get up to go wash my face. As I look up from the sink in the mirror I wonder if it was just a dream or if is this a warning.

Authors note:

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