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I kick my shoes off and take my dress and underwear off and fold it neatly in a pile and put it away. Before I shift I quickly take a peak to see if James is looking. Luckily he kept his word and at that I shifted and started running.

At first I considered climbing a tree and hiding, but I am not far enough yet. So I keep running as fast as I can. Going zig zac to try and throw him off my scent. I also switch direction every once in a while to make it difficult. Although, if our wolves will be in tune. He will have no trouble finding me.

But what if I'm running around for nothing? His wolf could've refused to come out. How will I know? We never discussed that part.

"I think we should at least try." Cat said.

Without answering I decide to go across the lake to throw him off even more. The swim was nice and cooling. Once at the other side of the lake I shake most of the water off and I start running again.

I run around for another hour or so. Enjoying the freedom I feel. Once I reach a clearing I got distracted by a strange bird I've never seen sitting on a branch not far away. It looks like it's  looking right at me. But that can't be can it?

"I have a bad feeling Kat. We should leave here." Catriona says.

Before I could start running again I smell him. My snout in the air enjoying his scent. And before I could make a run for it something jumped on me from behind.

It's him. James.

He soon had me on my back. Not that I was complaining. I was ecstatic that he caught me. With his paws on the side of my head he started nuzzling my fur before he looked up again. He was beautiful with his ash blonde fur.

And he was going to be mine.

Me not liking to be pinned down reached my paws up to his chest and pushed him off. He reluctantly submitted to my request and we were standing across from each other. His wolf lean and much bigger than me.

I howled excited at this new turn of events and he howled with me. Coming towards me again, licking my face. He gestured with his head to the side and I knew he meant we should get back to the truck.

As we slowly trotted through the woods together back to the truck my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Cat, it's him. We found our mate!" I exclaimed.

"I know!" She yelled back. And he is amazing. I can't wait to mate with him and have little pups."

"Hold on hold on. I am so not ready for that." I say exasperated.

"Ha, Kathryn, you really think it will be long? Once he marks you, you won't be able to hold it any longer."

I decide to ignore her as I realise this is true. From here on out we can be romantic. We will have the ceremony and then he can mark me and then...

So what. This man is going to be my mate and I can't believe how lucky I am. I am beyond excited and extremely attracted to him and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I will just have to put on my big girl panties, set aside all my fears and go for this fully.

Nothing can stop me.

All of a sudden Richard's face comes to mind and the dream I had. But I quickly shake it off. He can't hurt me anymore.

We soon reach the lake and we jump in to swim across to the other side. Once there we shake off some of the water and start to trot again. It doesn't take us long to reach the area where the truck is. Before I go to my tree I lick his face again and look him in the eyes. He whimpers and runs to his tree. Realising he's impatient I turn and go to my tree as well.

I shift back to my human form, my hair damp from the lake but my body luckily dry. I quickly put on my underwear and my dress and try to make my hair tidy.

"Kathryn." I hear him from behind the tree. I take a deep breath and then I walk around the tree. He was standing a few feet away from me. His hair almost dry and he was looking at me with deep longing in his eyes.

We move almost in sync to each other as I reach him he throws his arms around my waist picking me up and crushing my body against his body. His head in the crook of my neck and my arms around his neck. I close my eyes as I struggle to gather my breathing. His hot breath fanning against my neck a sure sign he is also struggling. Giving me goosebumps across my arms. He lifts his head and in a swift movement he presses his lips to mine. I gasp as a foreign feeling invades me and soon I am kissing him back as if my life depended on it.

Too soon we break apart because of the lack of oxygen. Without letting me down he presses his forehead to mine. I realise my feet are still awkwardly dangling in the air.

I clearly have no clue what I am doing.

He signs against me and slowly drops me to the ground not letting go of my waist.

Suddenly I feel very shy and overwhelmed. I just found my mate, who I just kissed, my FIRST kiss ever and I feel nervous and excited at the same time for what's to come. I can't look at him yet so I decide to just stare at his chest like I did at the ball.

"Kathryn, look at me." he says.

Ugh. I guess I can't do this forever. I meet my gaze with his. And what I see on his face as he cups my face puts all my fears to rest. He looks at me lovingly before swiftly kissing me again.

"Mine." He whispers.

Amazed at his words I look up at him and stand on my tippy toes reaching for his lips. He complies and kisses me more urgently this time.

And then my tummy rumbles.

He chuckles against my lips and releases me. "Come on, let's eat."

He gets the cooler bag, blankets and pillows from his truck and leads me to a nice grassy spot. Laying everything down I go to sit down. As he unpacks the sandwiches and wine I take in the scenery.

"Sooooo..." I trail of

He laughs again. "You're so adorable."

I blush lightly before I ask "what now?"

He looks at me surprised before he says "now, my Kathryn, we will eat and later we will go celebrate with your family. I would like to accept you as my mate before then and if you're ready I would like to take you to my pack and begin our lives together."

"I would love that." I say as I reach for his hand. "Could you tell me a bit about your pack?"

He looks down at our intertwined hands and I can suddenly feel a change.

"Kathryn, there's something I haven't told you about me yet."

Authors note:

Thank you for reading!

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