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I woke up to an empty bed, not the way I pictured waking up after our first time. But the bliss from the previous night were still radiating off of me so I didn't mind too much. Kathryn had her morning routine she stuck to, first she had her coffee, then she went to the gym and then she came back for breakfast. My stomach was a bit unsettled but I ignored it to just being hungry as I skipped dinner last night. I decided to go shower first before I got something to eat, in the shower memories of the previous night flooded my brain and my cock hardened instantly at the thoughts of Kathryn's naked body in the shower with me. Wishing she didn't leave so early this morning. 

Once out of the shower I thought of going to find Kathryn in the gym first to see if she wanted to join me, but the aching pain in my stomach was persistent so I quickly went to the kitchen in search for some food. When I found the fridge empty I considered going down to the pack kitchen to grab something but the long way down stopped me. 

Maybe Robert had some food.

I decided to go to Robert's apartment which was on the same floor as mine just on the other side of the floor. Once there I opened the door finding him by the kitchen counter chatting with Rebecca.

"Morning." I murmur going straight for the fridge.

"Uh, excuse me?" Robert exclaimed with and exasperated look on his face.

I just give him a blunt look and his shoulders slouch accepting the fact that he does this to me all the time so he can't really say anything.

Once I got the bread out I insert it into the toaster and got some butter and peanut butter out as well. I join them at the counter. They were awfully quiet. I look up to find Robert smirking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You guys did it, didn't you." Robert simply states and Rebecca drops her head uncomfortably. 

"None of your business." I reply getting up to grab the toast and making myself a peanut butter toasted sandwich.

"I can SMELL it on you James. And there's a nifty little mark on your neck. But alright." he says while shrugging his shoulders. 

"So what did you do last night?" I ask feigning interest.

"We watched some movie and I crashed on the couch." Rebecca piped up.

I just nodded in response my mouth full of food. The dull ache in my stomach still not gone. 

When I finished with my toast I get up and leave my plate on the counter.

"I'm going to go look for Kathryn." I say as I open the front door.

"Aaaah did she run away after last night?" Robert jokes before I slam the door in his face.

Once back in our apartment I can immediately sense Kathryn is not there, I would've smelled her if she was. Ignoring the ache in my stomach I head back out down to the gym. Once there I don't see Kathryn nor smell that she has been there in the last couple of hours. The ache in my stomach rages on. I've been blocking Kane since last night so that he wouldn't completely take over while me made love so I quickly open up my mind and let him in.

"Mate is hurt! Something is wrong!" he yells in my ears.

"What? Where is she?" I yell at Kane inside of my mind.

"I don't know, I can't sense her strongly, it's as if something is blocking her." Kane replies. 

I mind link Robert and all of my warriors telling them Kathryn is missing and that she is hurt but I can't sense her.

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