Epilogue 1

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I woke with a jolt as I felt something, or someone jump on me. 

"Kathryn..." I groaned turning on my side taking her with me. "It's not even day light yet. You get up way too early."

"But it's my birthday!" she squeals while bolting back up again, bouncing up and down. 

She has always had a thing for birthdays, and getting up early. Too early.

"I know it is." I murmur before rolling over to my side of the bed and reaching underneath to retrieve her present. 

She gave out another squeal while clapping her hands together excitedly. "Gimme gimme!"

She takes the big box from me and starts to gently unwrap it. I lie back down with my arm over my forehead looking at her with a soft smile playing on my lips. Her excitement for birthdays and presents were contagious. I couldn't help but be excited with her. Even though I didn't care for birthday myself.

She gasped as she finally had the present unwrapped. "What! A new camera?" 

"A decent camera." I replied. "I've been racking my brain every year on what to get you, I can't believe I've never thought of a camera until now." 

She smirks at me. "Your gifts have always been amazing." she says while leaning forward to give me a kiss. "Thank you." she whispered against my lips.

"You're welcome." I murmur against her lips before deepening the kiss. 

I pull her onto me further while reaching for the covers and pulling them over our heads. A soft giggle escaped her lips as she straddles me almost breathless now. Soon our hands began to wander and our kisses become more intense. My hands glide up her back taking her t-shirt with me, she stops kissing me to sit up and let the covers fall of her while lifting her arms up in the air so I can remove the shirt. Rubbing my hands up her stomach until I've reached her breasts I gently cup them before I flip her over so that I was on top of her. 

We soon give over to our senses and start to explore each other's bodies just like we did when we made love our first time. 

When we climaxed together me on top of her, I whisper gently in her ear "Happy 30th my love." 

She wiggles her hips with me still inside of her. "Thank you." she giggles and then her face turns serious. "But don't say how old I am. It sounds so old."

I laugh softly before getting up and walking to the bathroom still naked. I turn around and look at her "you want to shower with me?" I say while winking.

She gives a soft laugh before she also gets up and joins me in the shower. We have another round in the shower before she collapses against my chest exhausted from our acts of love. 

"There isn't any surprises coming my way hey? I don't want a party. I just want to spend it with you, Robert and Kim."  she asks.

"No surprises I promise. I'm taking you out today and then tonight we will have dinner with Rob and Kim."

She nods her head before she gets ready for the day. 

I was taking her to a carnival a few towns over for the big 30. I thought it's fitting since she was so upset in the first place of turning 30. I had different plans for our anniversary coming up. In a month it will be 9 years since we met. I was planning a trip to Italy. Just the two of us. 

As I got dressed I let my mind wander a bit. I couldn't believe it's been 9 years already. It feels like yesterday we met at the Chosen Ball. The memories of the trauma that came afterwards has faded but they sometimes resurface. The betrayal was the worst. Especially for Robert. Rob, Rebecca and I grew up together and what she did took a piece of Robert away. 

He tried to keep it together, but Rebecca was deemed unfit to be in a normal prison by psychologists. She slowly started to lose it and eventually she committed suicide. It was then that Robert left the pack for almost a year. I let him go because he said he needed to get away, to think. He came back 11 months later with Kimberley. His mate. She was a lovely girl. Kathryn and I will be forever grateful for him finding her because I don't think he would've made it without her.

I looked over at Kathryn when she walked out of the bathroom again, fully dressed and looking stunning.

It was a happy life indeed.


It was the most wonderful 30th birthday. Ugh, it was still so hard to say that number. But oh well. Here we are. I'm 30, with a wonderful mate and two of the best friends a woman could ask for.

James drove me to a few towns over and we visited a carnival. It was so much fun, I had cotton candy, hot dogs and so much soda it felt like my stomach was going to burst. 

We were going to have dinner with Robert and Kim this evening, I was looking forward to it. We've become a close group of friends. Just us 4 not really allowing anyone else close to us. After what we've been through, it was hard to trust but in the end we were happy to have each other.

When Kim told me she was pregnant she was sobbing. Not wanting to hurt my feelings because James and I couldn't have a child of our own, I just held her and told her I was so happy for them. And I was. Just because I couldn't have it, doesn't mean they couldn't. We celebrated with them, I planned the baby shower and James and I were even named godparents. I loved their two kids so much, because they were family. 

When we reached the pack lands James reached for my hand that was gently rubbing my tummy. 

Once in the house I was greeted with Lily and little James, Rob and Kim's two toddler children. Robert asked permission to name his son after James. To which James said a big yes. 

They pooled around me jumping up and down holding up a bunch of drawings they drew for me. I bent down giving each of them a big hug. "Thank you so much you two. This is the best birthday present ever." I cooed.

We were having dinner in Rob's apartment so they could be close to the kids and since I was the birthday girl I didn't need to entertain. When we got there Kim had everything laid out already. We were having steak, mashed potatoes and salad and then a big chocolate cake for dessert. 

After we had dessert James, Kim and Rob were laughing at a joke Kim told and they looked so happy I grabbed my phone to take a picture of them. 

"Hey guys, look here!" I yelled pointing my camera in their direction. Kim immediately threw her arms around Rob and James leaned in, his laugh still on his face.

"Saaaaaaaaay... Kathryn's pregnant!" I yelled.

I hit the capture button just as all three of their mouths fell open in shock. 

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