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I was sitting in my office going through the arrangements for Kathryn's welcoming ceremony in 3 days when Kane stirred inside of me.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I feel off. Something might be wrong with Katerina." He barely whispers.

"That's not possible, I haven't marked her yet. You won't be able to feel her emotions that clearly yet."

"Just go look for her, please!" he yelled in my head.

Fearing a headache if he continues on like this I sighed as I got up from my desk chair and went into the hall. Going straight for the elevator I smell a hint of her scent going down the hall. Deciding to skip going upstairs I quickly follow her scent down the hall eventually leading me outside on to the porch.

Strange. Why would she go out alone if she hasn't been shown around yet?

I followed her scent further that went to the left. It was then that I saw her running towards the pack house at an impressive speed. I immediately saw that something was wrong. With Kane on high alert, I started running towards her scanning the area behind her to see what she was running from.

Reaching her I grab her by both her arms, my eyes scanning for any injuries. Once I was sure she was okay, I pulled her in for a hug.

She didn't move, her arms hanging loosely by her side.

I release her and look her in the eye.

"Kathryn, what happened?"

No answer, she just looked at me blankly. It was then that I realised she was clutching onto a piece of paper. I gently grabbed her hand and took the paper from it and opened it.

A low growl escaped my chest as I read the words on the paper. I immediately mind linked Robert to meet me in my office. Taking Kathryn's hand, I started leading her back to the pack house.

"Kathryn, we have to go inside where it is safe and you can tell me what happened.

She just aimlessly followed me in.

Once inside I sat her down on the couch in the corner of my office, crouching down in front of her.

"What happened?"



"Kathryn." James repeated himself again. "What happened?"

I shook myself out of my daze, not losing the sight that I just saw of that man snapping his own neck in front of me.

"I was in the apartment and someone came knocking. He said he was a warrior and that his name was Zander." I started.

"Yes, I know Zander, he is one of my best fighters. Did he hurt you?" James almost yelled.

I gulped as the tears finally started to fall.

"No, he said you sent him because you wanted to show me something. He took me to the edge of the forest to the left. I felt uneasy and when I asked where you were, he gave me the note and then he broke his own neck."

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