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Previously on NIGHTMARE:

She sighed, disappointed that she was unable to reach John. She grabbed her keys and stood up to leave, hoping that whoever she saw in her vision made it out okay.


Blyke awoke to Remi shaking his shoulder roughly. "Blyke! BLYKE!" He startled awake and blinked, confused.

"What's so funny?" he asked, hearing Remi snicker.

"Nothing," Isen replied coolly, "We gotta get moving. This is our target. Some guy named Waldo." Blyke squinted, looking at the profile on Isen's laptop screen. Remi stood up, already clad in her sub-par costume, ready to leave."

"A mid-tier? Seems a bit low for Remi's level."

"It's the best we could find. Besides, we should play it safe for our first mission. When are we leaving?" Isen asked, turning to Remi.

"Tonight!" she said, grinning.

"TONIGHT?!" Blyke and Isen exclaimed. She shrugged.

"It's not like we can wait around for more people to be killed by EMBER. Now or never." Blyke sighed and stood up, stretching.

"Let's split up and travel in two groups. That way we'll arrive at Branish in different locations. Blyke and I can back you up while you look around." Isen suggested. Remi gave a thumbs up and smiled.

"Alright then. Let's head out."


The district of Branish was quiet and seemingly empty. If it weren't for the few dim lights illuminating windows, the area could easily be mistaken for abandoned. Drapes were drawn and windows were shut as the young, oddly dressed woman walked through the silent streets. She flinched, hearing a woman yell followed by loud banging noises. Remi sprinted towards the source of the commotion. A blonde man towered over a frightened woman who's door had just been knocked down. "Pay up, b*tch!" he spat angrily. The blue haired woman whimpered and shrunk back in a feeble attempt to protect herself. Remu knew what to do. Her eyes shone orange as she directed a bolt of lightning in his direction.

"If you want to live here, they pay the- AUGHH!" he shouted, his eyes widening in shock. He fell onto his knees and passed out, stunned. The woman cowering on the floor screamed and started to move away frantically.

"S-stay back! Get away from me!" she yelled. Remi smiled weakly.

"It's alright. I'm here to help you." she replied calmly. Although the blue haired lady stopped screaming, she didn't seem too trusting of Remi.

"Who... are you?"

"My name is X-Rei. I'm a superhero!"

Not too far from Remi, a group began making their way to the house. Remi sat and listened to what the woman had to say about Waldo. "He's way too powerful! And the rest of us... we're forced to do as he says, including paying a fee to live here. No one's strong enough to stop him."

"Remi! REMI!" The vigilante's hand flew to her earpiece. "There's about four people heading to you right now!" Remi jumped to her feet.

"What's wrong? Is something happening?" the blue haired woman asked fearfully.

"You don't have to worry, I'll take care of it." She left the woman alone and ran out onto the street, turning her head left and right in search of the group.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you dressed like that?" an orange haired man asked her sharply.

"My name is X-Rei. I'm a superhero." Remi said calmly, trying not to start a fight.

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