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Previously on NIGHTMARE:

"Yeah, he hasn't been this insignificant since he was labelled a cripple." Adrion remarked.

"Since... since he was a cripple."


Elaine hurried into the cafe, checking her phone for the time. She'd gotten there right on time but the blonde was already seated at a booth. "Ah, Arlo! I didn't mean to keep you waiting," she apologized, sliding into the seat across from him.

"Don't worry, I just got here." he said, his face not changing at all from the stoic expression he wore. "So, there was something you wanted to talk about. Does this have anything to do with Seraphina?" he asked.

"Oh, right! You asked me to keep you updated on her. And... well I don't know, but I was thinking we should leave her be?" Elaine muttered nervously, watching Arlo's reaction. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, motioning for her to keep talking. "Well, I just think that we won't be able to monitor her anyways, now that she knows."

"Elaine. This isn't just about Seraphina hanging around some weakling. She's read that banned book and might get herself into something dangerous. The whole reason she left her royal position, left Turf Wars, and acted out that way is because that cripple is polluting her mind with crazy ideologies. If we separate them, she'll come back to us in no time. Seraphina might not like it, but it's what's best for her."

"O-oh. Of course. In that case, I understand." Elaine nodded unsurely. Despite Arlo's reassurance, she felt a pang of guilt that she was doing this to Seraphina. Sure, she'd left them for a cripple, but what Seraphina had yelled at her that day still rang in her head.

"Why can't you just let me have this?! Do you and everyone else here need to control everything in my life? I'm tired of it!"

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" he asked. Moving his arms to fold across his chest. Elaine shook her head and straightened up.

"Right, there was one more thing. Blyke and Isen brought Remi to my dorm a few days ago. She had a pretty harsh injury on her back." Elaine said, describing in detail what had happened that night. Arlo looked more attentive now.

"Was she fighting someone? We haven't had Turf Wars in the last couple of days so no one could have injured her as badly as you say."

"You haven't had Turf Wars? That's strange. I wasn't able to recognize the attack as from any students that attended the schools we compete with. I'd assumed the roster had switched at one of the schools which is why I wanted to check with you."

Arlo leaned forward. "Did she say anything else?" First Seraphina, and now Remi. Recently a lot of things seemed to be happening without his knowledge.

"Remi said she was training with someone, but who's strong enough to hurt her like that? She said I probably didn't know them, so do you have any idea who it could have been?"

"No." he replied, narrowing his eyes and staring at his drink. Did Blyke and Isen say anything about what had happened either?"

"Not really. But they were pretty frantic when they brought her to my room. They usually aren't like that when they ask me to use my ability." Elaine's eyes widened as she recalled another detail. "Oh! Remi was wearing this odd outfit. It was a sweatshirt with some masking tape on it, and boots. I think she was holding a mask too, like those medical kinds." The information Elaine had given him provided no clarity as to what had happened. If anything, Arlo was even more confused.

He sighed and leaned back. "I can't figure anything out right now. I'll probably speak to her about it later. For now, just keep an eye on both Seraphina and Remi for me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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