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Previously on NIGHTMARE:

There shouldn't be any consequences." She grinned. "I'm sure they'll love to hear about this new development."


"Looks like everything's packed. All I have to do is ask Vaughn to move." Seraphina said, stretching. John rolled his eyes.

"You didn't think to ask him before?" he asked.

"None of this was really thought out though. I mean, I just need to get away from Elaine and Arlo. Besides, there's no way Vaughn could say no." she said. "I'm gonna go ask him. Wait here for me?" John nodded. Seraphina took off onto the courtyard and turned the corner into the building. He stood there, hoping it wouldn't take too long, after all, Seraphina was pretty fast.

It must've been 10 minutes while he waited outside the girl's dorms when a familiar redhead jogged past the residential buildings. Blyke saw John standing with the suitcases. He pulled out an earbud and walked over to him. "Hey, John, right?" John looked up from his phone. Seeing the face of Wellston's Jack brought back a storm of bad memories from the "dream" that he'd had not too long ago. Needless to say, his reaction to Blyke's presence wasn't pleasant.

"Yeah." he said curtly.

"Are you moving into the dorms or something? Because the boy's dorms are over there..." He trailed off seeing the nasty look on John's face.

"I'm waiting for someone." he replied gruffly. Blyke was about to ask who he was waiting on but stopped himself, noticing that John was in no mood to talk.

"Well he didn't have to be such a jerk about it." Blyke remarked internally. John looked up from his cell phone again and saw Seraphina stroll out of the doors and wave at John.


"I guessed that you'd have some luggage, but why so many bags?" John said, heaving one up the steps.

"Where did you think all those clothes from our mall trips went? I need to get rid of some though. I think I have some clothes from last year." Seraphina said, unlocking the door.

"Well I wear clothes from three years ago-" John deadpanned internally. Seraphina stood inside the apartment and looked around.

"Nice place. Sure must be good to have this much room." John leaned the luggage against the wall and stood behind Seraphina. She moved over to his punching bag and noticed the boxing gloves on the table. "You spend a lot of time practicing self defense?"

"Yeah, it's great to let off steam." He glanced back at the bags. "I have a small room for storage. We can put your stuff there." Seraphina nodded and lifted several bags at once, effortlessly. "She's strong!" he thought, watching her move them over.

"Do you have any spare sheets I could use? I hate to ask for so much but the bedding I used before was issued with the dorms." she asked him, tucking the last of the bags in the corner of the room. Surprisingly, the bags took up little space.

"Oh, I was assuming you'd use my bed. I have extra sheets though." John replied, disappearing into the hall to find them.

"I don't mind sleeping on the couch like I do everytime I stay over. No biggie." He nodded, listening to her from the hallway. He returned with a blanket and some pillows. "Thanks." she said, taking them from him. She dropped them over with the bags and returned to face John. "So, this is where I'll be staying for a while, huh." she stated, grinning.

"I guess it is."


Blyke's run-in with John had put him out for a bit but he quickly remembered that he was meeting Remi and Isen at the girl's dorms to plan their EMBER investigation. The three of them had agreed to work on it together but deep down, Blyke knew that what they were doing was dangerous. His initial plan had been to join Remi in an attempt to stop her but he soon realized that there was no trying to stop her. Her desire for vengeance was too far for him to reason with her. Even so, he was willing to do this, after all, it was for Remi. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose someone close, only to have everyone move on without justice. He saw Isen at the other side of the hallway as they both walked to Remi's door and he noticed that Isen looked just as exhausted as Blyke felt. "I'm guessing he was just as surprised as I was." Blyke thought.

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