Assasination Against Fury

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"I swerved to miss a plastic bag," A woman at the group meeting for vets suffering from PTSD continues to say as Steve and I enter the room in my leather jacket and straightened hair. "I thought it was an IED."

"Some stuff you leave there," Sam Wilson tells the group from his seat in front of the group. "Other stuff you bring back. It's our job to figure out how to carry it."

"I didn't know they did this kind of stuff," I mumble as we wait for Sam to finish. 

"Look who it is, " Sam comes up to us after he says bye to the remainder of the people. "The running man and woman."

"Nice meeting," Steve shakes his head at my commentary. "Didn't take you as a shrink."

"It was intense is what she means," Steve says. "And nice of you to do these things."

"We all have the same problems," Sam begins. "Guilt, regret."

"Did you lose someone?" I ask Sam as I quickly read him. 

"My wingman, Riley," Sam sighs. "Flying a night mission. Nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before. Until an RPG knocked Riley's dumb ass out of the sky."

"Sounds familiar," I look up at Steve, thinking of Bucky. 

"Are you happy now?" Steve asks Sam. "Back in the world?"

"Hell, yeah," Sam smiles broadly. "No one's giving me orders around here. What about you two? Thinking of getting out?"

I quickly answer "no" as Steve hesitates the word. 

"I don't know," Steve confesses and I give him a look. "I don't know what I would do with myself if I did."

"Ultimate fighting?" Sam suggests and I let out a little giggle. 

"Good idea," I nod, trying to see Steve as an ultimate fighter instead of a soldier. "I love my job, though."

"What about you?" Sam asks Steve. "What makes you happy?"

I look at Steve's face trying to read it before he says anything. He doesn't say anything before looking down at me with a small smile and back to Sam. I'm left utterly confused about what he can possibly be thinking. When I see Sam's smiling face I'm even more confused because he seems to have picked up on something that I'm oblivious too. Could Steve mean that I am the one that makes him happy? 


"Forties music?" I ask Steve after we walk past our neighbor as we head to our apartment door. "Did you leave the stereo on?"

"I didn't," He looks sternly at me. "Let's go around."

I follow him back outside the building and we go to the outdoor staircase in the back. I go up the flight of stairs first until I reach the window of my small bedroom. I cautiously slide it up and climb through it, taking out the gun from inside my leather jacket. The music stops when Steve climbs through the window and resumes as we both make our way toward the living room. He picks up his shield. 

When I notice that it is Fury laying on the couch with a wound, I put my gun away and hurry over to him. 

"I'm okay," He groans as he sits up more. 

"I didn't know Maeve gave you key," Steve says, placing his shield down. 

"I didn't," I say as I go sit on the couch. 

Fury shushes Steve after he turns the lamp on, turning it back off. Fury shows us his phone that reads, "EARS EVERYWHERE."

"I'm sorry that I have to do this," Fury continues. "But I have no place else to crash." Little does he know I sleep in the bed and Steve sleeps on the couch. 

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