"We're Gonna Win"

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"My favorite human!" Thor exclaims as he swings me up in his arms. 

"Thor!" I laugh until he places me down. I look at his enormous stomach as he wears casual clothes. "You-"

"Feel amazing," He interrupts me happily. 

"That's good," I chuckle, trying not to stare at his stomach as I go to stand next to Natasha who has just brought Clint in to help. "He used to be hot."

"I know," She tells me as we continue to stare at Thor. 

"Okay," Steve grabs all of our attention as he begins to speak. Rhodey, Nebula, and Rocket are here now too. "We know the how so we gotta figure out the when and the where."

"Right," I look around. "Almost all of us has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones."

"Well, I haven't," Scott raises his hand. "And I don't know what the hell you're all talking about."

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round-trip each," Smart Hulk reminds us. "And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history."

"Great," I huff. "If one of us fails to get a stone, we might get stuck in another time in history for nothing."

"Yep," Tony pops the "P."

"Totally nothing at all," I say sarcastically. 

"Let's start with the Aether," Steve says. "Thor, what do you know?"

"Is he asleep?" Natasha asks as Thor just sits there 

"He might probably be dead," I say after observing my newly fat friend. "Hmph."

"Ugh," I jump back as Thor struggles to stand up. "Where to start?" He goes up to the picture display of the Reality Stone. "The Aether is not a stone. It's more of an angry sludge sort of thing. Here's something about it..." I glance at Natasha wearily. "My grandfather, many years ago, had to hide the stone from the Dark Elves. Then my old flame Jane," A picture of his girlfriend is pulled up. "She ugh...Stuck her hand inside a rock this one time...and the Aether stuck itself inside her," I look at Steve now with raised eyebrows. "And then-"

"Thor," I walk up to him and pat his shoulder before lightly telling him, "Stop talking."

"Right, okay," He nods. 

"Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag," Rocket explains the information about the next stone. 

"Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir," Nebula informs us. 

"What is Vormir?" I ask. 

"A dominion of death at the very center of celestial existence," Nebula answers. "It's where Thanos murdered my sister, Gamora."

"Right, okay," I nod. "Sorry for asking."

"Not it," Scott says softly. 

"Second that," I raise my hand slightly, catching Steve shake his head at me through my peripheral vision. 

"That Time Stone guy," Natasha says as the picture of the Time Stone pulls up. 

"Dr. Strange," Smart Hulk says. 

"Didn't he live in New York?" I ask. 

"Then that would mean that there are three stones in New York if you pick the right year," Natasha figures out. 

"Yes," I say a little too loudly. "Space, Mind, and Time Stone."

"Shut the front door," Smart Hulk exclaims. 

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