Chapter 3

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Ahaha, the doc is in 😩✌️

I never thought I'd be this productive during break holy shit lmao. I deadass have so many plans for this book but I just don't know how to execute them. And I also want to include as many people from the SMP as possible. So maybe I'll try to make chapters revolving around specific members and them interacting with class 1-A. That'll be interesting, right?

Anyways, onto the new chapter
(Oh I also went and attempted to proofread the first chapter so if you got a notif from that....then I'm sorry lol)


3rd Person P.O.V

The SleepyBois and DreamTeam all just watched from the back of the class, just looking over all of the students writing in their notebooks. Some spoke to each other, trying to make the hour just a tad bit less boring, but the conversations usually got shot down in at least a minute. Not to mention the groups couldn't really talk to each other since they really wanted to stay in character. So most of them just decided to message each other on their communicators, having to sometimes hide them when some of the students would occasionally turn around and gaze at them.

"This is quite boring...oh how about I give them all some blue?" Ghostbur whispers to his group. Them, wanting something interesting to happen, allowed him. Ghostbur gives them a smile that could be considered a second sun and takes out the many blue he had stored in his pocket. Taking a good handful, he quickly chugged an invisibility potion he had on hand. Once fully invisible, he soon went around the classroom and placed some blue on everyone's desks, even on the teachers' desk. He made sure that he was sneaky enough for them not to notice and that they'd see it after he's fully finished passing them out to everyone. The invisible potion only lasted for 2 and a half minutes so he quickly got the job done and made it back to his family, just in time when the potion wore off.

The DreamTeam also noticed what Ghostbur was doing and wanted to see the reaction of the students so they leaned a bit closer, waiting for the teens to notice the blue sitting on their desks. It took a while but the first person who noticed was Aoyama, the one who sat right in the front. He saw the blue just there near the edge of his desk. Out of pure curiosity, he picked the blue up and examined it. It was shiny, but it wasn't matte either. The texture of it was also difficult to explain. But it didn't seem to be a threat. If anything, Aoyama began to smile once it was in his hand, like all of his bad thoughts just escaped him. The blue turned to a slightly darker shade, but it wasn't too much for Aoyama to notice. He placed the blue back down and continued writing down notes.

The SMP took notice of his reaction and grinned a bit. Ghostburs blue always worked and they couldn't really explain how. Maybe it was a placebo effect or maybe it really was something special. Soon enough, more students noticed the blue and had similar reactions to it, making Ghostburs day a bit better. About 30 more minutes passed by and soon the period was over, giving the students a 10-minute break before their next class. They all picked up their blue and headed to their friend groups, some of them discussing about the blue while others just had it in their hand. The members just looked at the happy students, not really wanting to get up and start up a conversation. But soon enough, some decided to walk up to them. One of those people being the green-haired boy Deku. He walked up to them and sat in the middle where there was a space between the groups.

"'s U.A at the moment? I know it's quite boring and normal like any other school, but I think you guys would enjoy Hero classes that come near the end of the day. Just a small request, but could you guys demonstrate your fighting skills there? I'd love to take notes about all of you guys!" The boy said, having a cheery smile on his face. They were a bit weirded out that he wanted to write down stuff about them, but they all just assumed it was a small hobby of his, so they agreed.

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