Rumor Has It

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Another scream of fright lurched from the two girls who were on the floor trying to avoid looking at the monstrosity, it had raced toward them with incredible speeds it almost rivaled Akane-kun's will for Aoi. However, the attack never hit as an abrupt yell of, "Hakujodai!" sent the things scattering like tiny rocks from meteorite that broke apart when entering the atmosphere!
(Name) lifted her gaze from her hands, seeing some pink rabbit, peep looking things on the ground all bruised and whatnot as a familiar voice sounded through the halls.

"Wow, not even a few weeks and you're already throwing yourself at danger again!"

An all too familiar voice our (hair color) girl could've been well off not hearing for a while, Yashiro shrieked again however as she stumbled up and behind her classmate with a shaky hand; "G- Ghost! He's transparent!" She cried out while clinging to the slightly taller girl, Yashiro had seen enough of apparitions and mean rabbit beanies!
Hanako-san smiled, "Oh, you can see me?" The ravenette boy would float closer but to only grab and yank his assistant away from the Daikon girl; "Well, maybe you can help out my dear artist friend here!" He didn't pose it as a question however, the choppy haired boy seemed to practically demand Yashiro to assist (Name) in whatever she was supposed to be doing?

"Um, Hanako-san?"

"Mm?" He tilted his head, before his mouth shaped into an 'o', he flicked at her forehead- "I need you to change some rumors about the Mokke is all!"
His hand slowly snaked down to caress her hand, vivid of warmth and flesh, he would've almost shivered at the sensation to touch something alive that even made him feel just as; "Call me Hanako-kun, from now on too ok?"

Suddenly the warmth was wrapped in his palm, the girl holding his hand seemed indifferent about it and the request, "... Hanako-san, what about the mochis?" (Name) realized she got the pronunciation wrong just as he started to snort and giggle at her.
"Hey! I'm still right here!" Yashiro would suddenly yank her Otome Game friend from the creeper tryna play moves on her, "I'll help change the rumors about the mochi too!" She held her hand up high, proudly too, not even realizing 'Mochi' wasn't what these tiny pink creatures were.

Speaking of, they look familiar..

"Wait- I saw these little rascals when I went to that abandoned building after I had-" Realizing Yashiro was still with them, she refrained from giving a more thorough alibi considering Yashiro could take offense, "Done.. Stuff." The two looked at her confusedly, but wouldn't dwell too long on it. One of the 'mochi' went to climb onto (Name)'s arm and held up a piece of candy with it's ears; "This is a peace offering to let us live!" It spoke in a squeaky voice she found adorable, but what was this about letting them live?

Her eyes turned to Hanako-kun, who's amber gaze was hidden by his hat, (Name) could only imagine what the ghost boy would do if they decided to not change the rumor..

Honestly, he seems a little more and more unusual by the second.
She shifted in place before speaking up, afraid of the response she may get from Hanako-san.

"What happens if we don't help them?"


"I'm gonna figure you out!"

Hanako jumped in surprise, he was confiding in his feelings about meeting up with (Name) at the bathrooms only for the silence to be interrupted by her late remark, his lips curled to a confused frown for a moment in anticipation for her next use of words; "Figure me out, whaddya mean twin flame?" He hummed aloud casually with a sly smirk crawling to his lips, "Figure me out how?~"
The girl next to him chuckled, it was- it was sweet to hear it..

"Hah! No."

Hanako laughed softly himself in turn, shaking his head before quieting down to look over expectantly for an explanation, he was curious to what she meant after all. To say something like that to someone of him- especially- if that something that Hanako wasn't too sure of figuring out, though it was more a matter of wanting to know what the girl meant.
She reached for his arm, sliding her hand down to hold his hand again, the ghost boy seemed relaxed by it earlier so this could helped coax a proper response instead of some vague answer. (Name) smiled as she spoke to the short, amber eyed boy, "You say a lot of strange things, it's mystery after mystery and I'm going to figure it out."

His quirked brow, yet softened stance made her try to go in for the kill.

"Especially with that 'twin flame' stuff you keep spouting-"

"How are the rumor ideas for the Mokke coming along?" He suddenly interjected, to change the topic as soon as he saw what stunt (Name) tried pulling to gain his trust as she groaned out.
Hanako smiled brightly, "So?" He spoke happily with the drawl of 'so', practically skipping in air to her side. The ghost would pass by her though to go for her belongings, causing (Name) to jump in surprise and try to recover her belongings from the boy's hands but he still managed to snatch away her sketchbook.

It seemed way more worn down to be the new one she carried around.

Hanako glanced to her with a quirked brow as (Name) couldn't help but stand there in place with no flight or fight response coming in hot as she saw him flicking through the pages. With a sigh, she gave up and walked to his side to try and spot a look at what he was looking at and what pages to avoid.
The (color)-haired girl would glance at a page of a boy she'd named 'A-kun' since that's all she recalled from dreams of him.

He looked similar to her current muse, in fact looking similar to Hanako-san, their choppy black hair and big amber eyes, that smile they both shared; it's almost like staring at the same person.
Hanako's fingers caressed the page softly and nostalgically, "You have to teach me how to draw.." His voice was hushed but she heard him all the same.
"What?" Couldn't help to leave her mouth anyhow.

Hanako turned to her, "Teach me how to draw, maybe in that mean time we can discuss the matters with the 'mochi'," Hanako-kun's smile was more genuine that day.

She couldn't possibly refuse his request when it was delivered like that.

𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑘𝑜-𝐾𝑢𝑛, 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora