What Are Fireworks Again? 4k+ Special(VERY LATE)

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The girl resided in the broadcasting room, it wasn't uncommon for her to be here after all.. This was the club she's apart of, but she- felt awkward being inside here when there was a huge firework show going on outside of the school. She was amazed just looking up at all of the sights, wanting to be apart of the beautiful scenery yet, the artist felt herself wanting to reel back and away from the ledge of the window. It was dumb to think she could go out there and think the best of it. Her foot tapped against the ground, the want to go out was blatant and wanted that she couldn't contain her joy for the sight of them! Even if they were loud and flashy it was just- mesmerizing.
She wanted to be out there not here, just to see the flares of light up close for a second made her heart fall heavy into her gut, the artist's hand reached right back for the window sill just for one more close look. Anticipation, rising, in her senses just blared like sirens.

And swept away the soft hums of someone just eerily right around the corner, entering the club room, a seeming smile set on their little lips and looking right at your amazed, impatient self.

"... love me, when there's.. she means to end,"


And suddenly, you turned and caught a genuine,-


And just like that, he was suddenly on her, arms wrapped tightly around her torso with giggles galore falling from his lips, "O-hisashiburi desu ne!" He greeted you warmly and sweetly, arms wrapped tightly around her neck as his face dove to muzzle right against her with a grin plastered on his lips. The sharp canines had glimmered in the smooth lights of the broadcasting club room, which she had finally attended, honestly he wondered if she ever would with how long she took to get here! He huffed, arms lazily wrapped around her now with a still-strong grip held onto her, (Name) awkwardly shifted about in Tsu's hold as he breathed in her scent with a coldness spanned across the warmth of her neck. How long had it been since he held her like this? How long had it been since he was close to her like this? A soft giggle mused out from his throat as he noticed her shaky silence, "Cat got your tongue?" He murmured with a sharp gaze fixated on her. Tsukasa leaned back to get a better look at the shaken artist who was quick to regain her composure, "No, more like a boy who has no sense of boundaries," the joke came out brittle but he still laughed, patting her shoulder with jovial intent.
Oh how she humored him! "But that would be called a kiss!" Her face paled briefly at the thought of what he said, then recalling her own words. She shook her head quickly, almost as if it would've came off in an instant with her little attempt to get Tsu's mind off of that; "Sakura says kisses are meant for lovers," he peeled a hand away from holding her close to poke his index finger against his bottom lip. For a moment the ghost boy seemed to consider something, as his hand descended from his lip to gently thumb the corner of her lip with a squinted gaze.

"But we're just good ole friends!" His sudden cheerfulness broke the silence, thankfully granting the girl breath as she swatted his hand away with a look, "You can't just-" she struggled, both annoyed at Tsukasa and embarrassed to fall prey to that stupid little prank. He giggled ecstatically, pulling back to float a bit away from her yet still closely knit to her side like a cat with yarn. The ghost just loved to play around with his favorite plaything!
His fingers reached out to trace the lines of her jaw, to which she smacked away with a grimace, "Aww, that's not nice!" He pouted, swiping his hand away at her little smack, brows furrowed to add emphasis to his little pout. Tsu tolerated this much, after all he knew- "Maybe," the word was breathed out sweetly as he was suddenly gone from her sight once her head rose to look up. Oh- oh why did she take her eyes off of him?! Lord knows where he could be or what the hell he's planning—

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