Boo! I Scared Ya, Huh?

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Three knocks rang through the air.

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?"

The stall door creaked open, reality sinking onto (Name) that this could actually get her killed if she wasn't careful or- or maybe a harmful ghost girl trying to take her soul! Maybe drag her down to hel-

"I'm here."

A scream ripped through (Name)'s throat, swiping behind her as a cold grasp settled onto her shoulder; to her surprise she landed a smack right across the boy's face and set him flying!

A boy?

"Owww! What was that for?" He rubbed at his face, before looking to her shocked face, "Hey.. You're not some supernatural though, how did ya manage to hit me like that?" To her shock, and horror, the black-haired boy started to float upward and even turned upside down; there were no wires she could see that were holding him up, (Name) stumbled against the stall door and almost fell in if not being grabbed by that same ghost boy.
"Are you my twin flame or something?"

(Name) yelped, shoving him away to recollect herself and brush at her clothes as if he were some germ that touched her.

"Wait- it worked!" She piped up, "But.. You're a boy."

"That I am, twin flame!"

He tipped his hat, "I'm Hanako-san the bathroom ghost, what is your wish and name-"

"Are you some perverted boy who died in the girl's bathroom or something?"


(Name) frantically waved her hands, trying to motion for him to come back, "NONONO! I MEAN A BOY HANAKO-SAN IS PRETTY COOL!"

"Pretty cool?" He suddenly perked up, before suddenly returning to your side with a clipboard and pen- god knows where he got either from- clicking the pen and smiling; "Your wish and name, please?"

"(Last Name), (Name)! I need a muse for my work!" Now that she got a closer look at him, (Name) could tell that face of his was pretty familiar.. Where has she seen him before?
"You have anyone in mind?"

From that break in thought, she nodded and bent down to go grab her sketchbook from her bag; her hands reaching the book to hold up and open to show the pages filled with that 'mysterious boy' she kept seeing. only to look between Hanako and the illustration to see the striking- uncanny more like- resemblance between the two.

"Hey hey! There's one with me looking at the stars!" He suddenly grabbed the sketchbook from her, smiling, "Ohmykamisama- this is me underneath the confession tree!"
Hanako looked at (Name), with quirked eyebrows of interest, "So, I'm guessing I'm your muse, huh? Fitting if we're linked after all!"

"We aren't soulmates or whatever!" (Name) corrected him, poking at his hat with a huff, which quickly backfired as he smiled and grabbed her hand, "How else do you explain me being able to do this?-" She didn't get a chance to ask as he suddenly tugged her forward, pulling her into his arms and letting his chin lay on her shoulder.
Hanako felt her shudder, probably because he was just cold air to anyone else, but with the look of her face getting red the ghost boy could only laugh as he pulled away from her.

"I'll be your muse! You adorable shrimp!"

"But I'm taller than you-"

"What's that, I can't hear you from up here?" Hanako floated a few inches taller from her, sticking his tongue out mockingly; "I'm going home.."

"Nooo! I wanna hang out som'ore!"

Being pulled into the ghost boy's embrace again, (Name) decided to humor him a bit.

𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑘𝑜-𝐾𝑢𝑛, 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒?Where stories live. Discover now