We're Always Going to Be Friends

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This chapter will contain spoilers for chapter 79, part 4 sorta.

The artist let her shoes click against the ground, glancing down at the mossy concrete permanently stained by the marks of shoes and weathering, her brows furrowing at the sight since the school was usually so well kept- it was a private school of all things-. She glanced up, only to see the familiar boy floating upside down and staring back down at her.
(Name) gaped in alarm, falling back into the wall behind her, hearing his little giggles and knowing immediately who it was.
"You're that guy who said you were Hanako!" She yelled at him as he floated to the ground casually, his feet didn't touch the floor though, "I'm not sorry about that, it was fun to act like Amane again!" Context wise, she assumed that Hanako's name is actually Amane and it made sense.

Tsukasa glanced back, as if to check on the missing dork, "Do you like him? Hyunga-kun I mean," (Name) quirked her brow, though tried to not think much of it despite that being first name basis, and she didn't mention his first name nor did he about how he knew Natsuhiko. She watched as his feet dared to touch the ground with a pout adorning his lips, though his eyes didn't seem the same as before. The student stood up quickly, scrambling to stand just to stand her ground, "I don't like him, alright? Chill, whoever you-"
He stepped closer, nose to nose now with the artist, "I'm Tsukasa."
Just as that close proximity she wanted to leave, her sentence cutting off into a choked noise that was meant to be a sentence of irritation.

He smiled at the bare emotions alight on the face of his former friend, the boy was almost delighted at the sight of true emotions unearthing for him to see so clearly. His hands slinked up to her arms, gently prodding at them with his thumbs and leaning his head to rest on her shoulder before pulling her into a hug. Tsukasa was seemingly nicer than before, muttering something about how he forgave her for running off like that when he was trying to protect her, how Amane would be happy to see her, how happy he was to see her.
The girl stood there awkwardly in his arms, not bothering to hug back, even as his grip tightened and she winced at the hold, "When Hyuuga-kun started to lag behind, I made sure to let him know I was going to spend time with you," he explained happily, "I wanted to meet you again but, without interruption."

Tsukasa's hand reached out to gently sift his fingers through her hair, he remembered how it felt between his fingers but it didn't compare to being able to feel human again, a little giddy sigh erupted from his lips as he held her close still. It didn't matter where she went, if she intended to go home or not, Tsukasa was happy to follow her and break the rules a little- even if it meant avoiding some exorcists just to be with her.
Hanako couldn't do that, his God prevented that so he was forced to stay on the school grounds unlike the rest of them, "Oh- wait! You were about to draw right? Do you still have those paints you let me borrow a few times? I've tried to-"

"Let me go."

He looked up at her, finally seeing that fearful look and he could've given some sadistic smile in turn, "I'm not sure who you are, even if you say you're Tsukasa or something. I don't know you, not like how you apparently know me!" Those choice of words made him upset, he may not be that Tsukasa but he is still- he's still hers. The ghost boy in some shosei uniform wasn't letting go, he truly valued the little time from before even if he was strange back then.
(Name) was a different person though, back in the 50's anyhow, she was more extrovert than reserved nowadays, she didn't care if Tsukasa was strange or not even himself sometimes.

That's what made him feel inclined to just be around her as much as he was around Amane.

"You need my help," he hummed, "You're not prepared not capable to fend off supernaturals, and Amane's not here either." Tsukasa spoke so casually in comparison to how his friend seemed to try pulling away from his bone crushing hug. She wasn't herself, and he knew why, he knew why she wasn't the same because of that trick she showed to him and Amane.

That's all in the past now, that's all somewhere he didn't think to look back on in this moment, besides she was here now! The artist is just always around to be here for him, even if she doesn't want to be, that's what makes her so special!

"Oh, can I introduce you to some friends of mine! They're Sakura and Natsuhiko! They're really awesome and they let me paint with the mokke!" He sounded excited, childish even and it could be adorable if he wasn't a little bit scary like.. Himself. He had this way about him that made the girl uneasy but, it's not a bad idea to hang around him for now as long as he didn't be creepy. A little smile formed on her lips, he was always a little strange.
"I already know Natsuhiko, and Sakura already." (Name) explained, as his arms finally pulled away but not all the way, he kept his hands on her arms nonetheless. Tsukasa pouted, "C'mon! They're really cool! Sakura makes the best tea, but I don't really drink it— but her cupcakes are awesome!" He exclaimed, pulling on her arms to drag her elsewhere, despite her protests that it wasn't necessary and all. (Name) huffed, trying to pull her arms away as he talked, spouting out words at Mach One speed while she tried to get a word in.

She grimaced, the idea of spending anymore time with Natsuhiko and his new lady wasn't great, especially with whoever this kid was.
The girl tried stopping in place, but almost got dragged to the floor making Tsukasa stop and turn to look back at (Name) with a smile still etched onto his face, she managed to stay standing somehow but spoke quickly in case; "I'd rather hang out with you, those guys- they're boring!" Those words caught his attention nearly easily.
He was quick to turn himself round and grab her shoulders while floating up, "You mean it? In that case, I know the perfect spot on the rooftop we can hang out! It's got a view high up in the sky, and if we wait there long enough, we can actually see the stars come out! Remember how Amane went on those rants about the stars?"

Tsukasa's words had some sort of glee, giddy glee that just couldn't be contained and reminded her of some little child.
The boy's happiness was- a nice change of pace.

"Well," (Name) began, "Maybe you can tell me about the stars too?"

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