A Venture On Stairs

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"Oi! Ya sure this is where we're supposed to be?" Kou questioned, looking around the place as it seemed to be more of a hit for historical aesthetics. The designs of the buildings and stairs around them, the wavy ribbons around them, everything was docile in reds. He was mesmerized mostly, but the blonde simply wanted to find his friend and get out of this place.
Hanako chuckled, "Maybe I tricked you into coming here so No. 2 could gobble you right up!" He quipped, narrowly missing the swing of Kou's staff, the floating boy just giggled and whirled around to avoid the furious strikes from the blonde boy who's arms looked like they could fall off any time soon from the force of his swings.

"You realize that's not gonna hurt me now, right?" Hanako teased before being chased up the steps, laughing his head off boisterously, this was just the thing he needed!
This sort of unfiltered fun with the kid, no reminders of his past to come haunt him, no nothing! Just him and the kid having a boys' day at No. 2's spot! He hummed, stopping Kou with a gesture of his hand, "Ah! What is it? The evil mystery to beat up for stealing Senpai and my friends!?"

Hanako chuckled, "No, no. I just want to ask you something." His words made the boy stand upright in alarm, that sounded oddly suspicious of the black-haired boy! Kou would stare at him before huffing, "Alright, alright! Go on then, ya toiletgiest." All the while ignoring the nickname, Hanako retorted; "How has (Name) been? I had a conversation with her that didn't end well, and yea."
The blonde boy would look confused, perplexed and astonished all in one go. This evil, ghostly supernatural was concerned for the other Senpai? Kou didn't think of words in that moment, a little unsure of what to say. Hanako read the lines, even if they weren't spoken, "Right, right. Dumb question! My bad."

"Yea, I.. I'm a little worried myself." Kou admitted, softly, it was barely audible to the ghost boy but he heard. It was all loud and clear for him, Kou continued, clarifying his worry, "(Name)-san is usually very talked about for her endeavors into the supernatural! I heard from Teru-nii, she was the talk of the school once because of the time she tried breaking into the school's library for the 4pm Book stacks!" Hanako practically laughed, though with the possibility coming more clear it sounds like she might be stuck in a boundary.
Suddenly, the phone rang.


A phone rang?

There was an old-fashioned phone up ahead, it buzzed with an incoming call, Kou didn't hesitate as he dashed forward to answer it.
"Hello?! Yashiro-senpai?! Yokoo?!"

"Give No. 7 the line, I have something important to talk to him about." Kou furrowed his brows, covering the speaking receiving noise; "Hanako?" The ghost boy nodded, floating over and taking the phone from Kou to answer it with a formal tone, almost, "No. 2! Long time no chat, what's going on with you?" That was some rhetorical question, he knew what was going on somewhat. In all honesty, if he had no way to keep her from going on this bloody spree then..
"The Fumetsu no shōjo is here, No. 7. She came with someone looking similar to yourself." Hanako's grip on the phone tightened, listening to Yako intently now with a heavy look that Kou couldn't see from behind him.

"Don't fret, the girl is safe in my arms."

Hanako almost felt relieved.

"She looks like a perfect host for Misaki.."

Hanako's amber eyes dilated briefly, but he retained some composure, "No. 2, she is nothing like Misaki. I don't understand why you keep trying to remake him in your image, is that something he would've liked?" The phone suddenly rang out with a beep, signaling the line dropped, Hanako's composure burst as he dropped the phone and turned to Kou.
"We have to go, now."

The urgency took the boy off guard, but he nodded, knowing the threat had to be real for Hanako to get all serious like this.

And just like that.
They came to her rescue.



Long, slender fingers threaded the strands of the girl's hair, with a content sigh. If only she looked like Misaki, then this endeavor would not be as difficult, but alas she'd make due. A Misaki that'd never die, is that not but a blessing she could have? It's something she could only wish for, but now she doesn't even have too, she can just make one with a human body like this!
A human body that holds a supernatural being in it's claws. Yako seemed to calm herself with sifting her fingers through the girl's hair, it was a soft moment in comparison to the girl's time at stomping around on her stairs to get into her boundary; oh she found it annoying indeed. Though, now she found it endearing to hold her new Misaki.

"Come now, before No. 7 tries to steal you away." She stood, though Yako stopped at the sudden noise of her stirring.

(Name) would grimace, her head jarring with pain that felt like needles unleashed their wrath within her head, she gripped onto the sleeves of the fox's clothes with a waver in her movement of trying to move again. A moment of unconsciousness like hers, she needed a moment to stand and clear her thoughts, but fell back into Yako's arms drowsily.
All she could remind herself of is Tsukasa shouting for her, chasing her, only to suddenly go away..
Then, this strange woman.
She held her gingerly, softly even.
"Misaki, Misaki.."

(Name) shifted about, trying to groggily escape the grasp of this gorgeous woman whom held her tightly, "Let's remake you anew."

The sound of blades slinking over each other, opening up, the presence just caressing the hairs on the back of her neck.

"Don't worry, Misaki. It'll all be alright soon enough.."

𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑘𝑜-𝐾𝑢𝑛, 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant