Shooting Stars or Fireworks? +4k Special

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This one is for the mc trio. Next one will be with Tsukasa, Sakura, Mitsuba and Natsuhiko. After that is just Teru, Satou, and Yokoo.

Also, warning ahead.

Kisses, many a many kiss.

The girl resided on top the school grounds, way up on some sixteenth or something floor, fireworks lit the sky up and outshined the stars with giant flares. People were literally burning their money away for this sort of thing, and the answer was easy yet could seem weird from an outside perspective. It was just some calm day with students deciding to take out some fireworks like the US students and those who had been exchanged students to this academy. They were going haywire just throwing out one after another, the artist felt overwhelmed by the bright lights but couldn't turn away from their brilliance. The things practically took the sky as their stage and swayed around like sparkling dancers doing the waltz or something!
It was too weird to put into words but, she loved it and disliked it at the same time. The girl leaned back onto the rooftop, looking up at the fireworks ahead of her, wishing that they were with her right now.. They had brought her content for this life, making the artist think that she was destined for more in life than just selling paintings off on Etsy, that person brought her happiness in this life.. If only they were here right now.

"(Name), what are you doing up here?"


She yelped, turning round to be met with that same floating boy she was just thinking about, he had a baggie in his hand full of something. Hanako chuckled at her reaction, "What, I can't come visit my friend that's a girl?" As he said that, the ghost boy handed her the baggie with a small look at the sparks that lit up the sky in an array of colors he felt jovial by. But he preferred the natural shine of the stars, they had a shine he could never give up! He sat on the ground, knees to his chest across from her as she opened the bag to find- donuts? They're plain too. (Name) glanced up at him, the boy was smiling wider as he scooted closer and grabbed for one, "Yashiro gave them to me! She and Kou were baking and well, it's a long story."
He looked up to her, taking a bit of the homemade donuts, the boy was taken aback at the look. Hanako stammered, "They're a gift from a friend! Besides, it's more likely that Yashiro likes you," as he took another bite from the donut he poked her nose "Yashiro doesn't like me- she likes guys." (Name) retorted. Hanako rolled his eyes, "And maybe you're good looking enough to be an exception, you dork."

The poor girl almost sputtered on her words at what he said, before shoving the ghost playfully back and taking his donut, "Let me enjoy my time off, I barely get peace and quiet with everyone around." Hanako snorted at her words, if anything he wanted more time spent with her, his hands going to entwine with her free one. He leaned right on her shoulder with a chuckle, watching the fireworks stop for a moment before lighting up again. Hanako lolled his head further onto her shoulder, putting their entwined hands on his lap, the boy tilted his head to press a kiss to her cheek.

The girl turned her head to look down at him, only seeing him giving a genuine little smile, "What was that for?" She asked.

He couldn't admit the reason why, it would ruin their little friendship if he tried to go on telling her about what he felt toward her, Hanako felt more than just something a friend should feel toward their friend. The ghost boy's hand tightened around hers, "I can't just kiss you out of the blue now?" Hanako quipped.
He smiled wider, closer to her face with lips not far from her own. The ghost boy was surprised as she closed the distance more, only to press a small kiss to his forehead.

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