Unfair, Like Always

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Quickly did she hurry back inside of the school, her shoes making clacking noises against the stairs, loud enough to not notice the light, running footsteps coming toward her from the corridor to her right.
She stopped, crouching back and hiding by the stairs as she watched him run to the window, skidding to a stop just as he reached it. He slumped down the wall next to the window, a little smile on his face for some reason, it seems like he was waiting for someone.
The windows that overlooked the rest of the school and how beautiful it all could be from way up there, it was a perfect place to wait for someone, yet (Name) stiffened up at the sight of  him.


He looked up, hearing her voice and a grin was dashed along his lips, "(Name)!" She stopped for a second, wondering why he was wearing a button up short sleeve, and there's bruises on his arms? (Name)'s confusion didn't stop him from going for a hug before she could even reach the bottom of the stairs, looking down at the boy who looked right back up at her. He had ran up the steps, not even floating for a second, so why did he..?
Amane took her hands in his to pull her down from the steps, the artist slowly following as he walked them both to the window with a little haste in his step, he pointed outside with excitement driving him. The poor boy was covered in wounds, bandaged up and new, her hand moving from his to touch the dark purplish, blue bruise on his arm but it made him flinch away just at the touch. Amane glanced to her, "Hey! You're not looking outside for your surprise," he tried to take away the attention from his bruise boisterously, but that.. That didn't work.

"Did someone hurt you?" Her hands came to his arms, noticing how he was covered in wounds that he didn't have before, (Name) tried taking care in handling him as he squirmed to get away with yelps of being 'fine'. Her lips were in a thin line as she looked at him. Amane stared back for a minute, or second, before his eyes fell to the ground and away from yours.
"I'm fine, really." He mumbled, yet of course she'd know better. Amane wanted to shrink away immediately, he just wanted to tell her finally! She deserved to know the truth of how he felt than just thinking that he only saw her like a friend, the boy looked up at her, lips curled to a little frown, "I am, just let it go." He pulled his arms away, thankfully. Amane cleared his throat, a little pink tinting his face to a rosy color, he was upset that he couldn't get a proper explanation out of the surprise he had planned, "Please, it's really cool and I'll understand if you don't like it, but it's just.." His fingers fumbled together, the moon boy had trouble keeping his eyes on hers as he continued, "I worked hard on it, for you."

His hands slowly went back to hers, watching her reaction that turned from concern to a flustered face, confused mostly though, (Name) looked to the window, with the boy not giving her another choice.


She looked down at the schoolyard, expecting some big present that lit up all of downstairs and mimicked the stars and whatnot- but instead, it was just a big, starry sky that was brighter than normal. It was beautiful as it spelled out constellations that should've been in separated but- it was beautiful enough to take her breathe away just at the sight of it. (Name) turned her head to Amane, who smiled fondly, "I rearranged the sky for you, sorta." He held her hands tighter, "I wished to someone, asking if they could help me say something to you."
Her eyes glanced back to the schoolyard below, now noticing that the 'constellations' came from some projector hidden away discreetly.

The girl closed her eyes, inhaling a sigh that threatened to emerge, her grip on his hands loosened, her memories were all jumbled up for some reason and it was— strange? Her mother was home a few days ago, but when she walked into the house it was empty, the memories of that strange woman with giant scissors, and her dreams? They all felt like it was some sort of clue to what really happened at this school but, (Name) can't put her damn finger on it!
Her eyes opened, this time to see no one in front of her, panic filled her veins and turned on her heel to look behind then all around. When did he move? The artist would've heard and felt if he moved from there.

"What—? Hey, A-kun!"

She expected to hear him calling out to her, saying 'twin flame' like he did when they first met. However, no response came and the feelings of something confusing amidst wasn't pleasant. The girl's hands bunched up into fists, it was already late now and she wasn't about to go on a wild goose chase for answers now, despite the burning sensation that something wasn't right. The girl's hands clenched and unclenched, trying to keep her cool as she went to leave the third floor and the next to just leave the school entirely, this place made her head hurt trying to think about what her mind was holding back.
But, he didn't call her twin flame the first time they met. Hanako did, he called her a twin flame when they met, because she could touch him despite him being a ghost.

As she reached the ground floor, she hesitated, this was the second time she was dragged to stay after school and now skipping class for the second time. Besides, home was going to be a walk filled with nothing but silence and no one would be there again. (Name)'s hands rested on the doorknobs of the large door leading outside of the building and she couldn't bring herself to open them, maybe.. Maybe she could stay here for a little longer again, after all.

She's not going anywhere.

𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑘𝑜-𝐾𝑢𝑛, 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒?Where stories live. Discover now