Stolen And The Thieves

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Yesterday's confrontation was a mess, to say the least, but it was something to ponder over as the girl ate away at her lunch with vigorous chewing that it mostly gnashed her teeth instead- (Name) tried stuffing her face as much as she could so maybe it'd help forget what transpired.
But food's not always the solution, as much as it'd be easier if it was, she stared back at an empty bento before grabbing the cover to seal it back.

Her feet would kick at the grass, trying to focus on the scenery of green and flora around her. (Name) sent her bento by her bag, deciding to wander a foot away from it to lay in the grass, letting her body sink into the ground beneath her as nothingness rung through the air; it was so peaceful, like out of a silent film..

"That'd be fun." She mumbled, before sighing and sitting up to turn to her bag and- "MY STUFF!"


"And you're sure you didn't.. Misplace these things?" The principal would speak in a slurred voice, but not drunkenly, he clasped his hands on his desk to wrap his fingers round the other with a questioning gaze- as if accusing the girl of being a klutz instead- "You have just inconvenienced yourself." He tries to make sense of the situation other than a nameless, faceless thief came to stole some student's bag and never made a sound?
"Yes, it sounds crazy but I know-"

"Is this another part of those crazy rumors you students spread nowadays? Because it's getting out of hand-" He paused, taking out a baby blue linen cloth to place over his mouth and muffle the coughing.

"Sir, my things are missing, please take this seriously- we could have a thief on campus!" (Name) stood abruptly to slam her hands down on the desk, earning his undivided attention delivered with a glare the girl wasn't faltered by; "Fine, go look then but; you'll be skipping class."


"What's the rumor about?" She asks as the man watched her stand by the door- without turning around- before getting a response.

"Thieves, little yokai thieves. They steal anything and everything, if you see them you die." He spoke about it so calmly, like it was nothing.. (Name) nodded, shuddering but it wasn't noticeable, she walked out the doorway to go track down the culprits while trying to figure out how to fit in her time to take Yashiro to see Hanako after school.
Thankfully, she's apart of the Broadcasting club so she has a reason to stay!


"Come on out you lil thieves! I'll go easy on you if you hand my stuff back!" She shouts angrily through the abandoned halls after being told to leave the functioning school building; (Name)'s yelling wasn't welcome there to disrupt classes after all.

She walked the halls, fists clenched tightly as she wandered around aimlessly, hearing a voice yelp out; "A.. A towel? Who leaves that sort of stuff here?" (Name) almost leapt with joy as she ran to a familiar voice with ecstatic steps; "Nene-chan!" She called out to a shocked dual-haired girl: "(Name)-chan!"

"What are you doing here?!"

Both of them asked in unison, before each side gave their own explanation. (Name) told Yashiro about how she was currently looking for her bag and bento while Yashiro was trying to find her brooch and textbooks, looks like those two lost something equally. They were going to lose about the same things, anyhow.
"Ah! Let's keep having a look around here!" (Name) takes the hand of the daikon, gently guiding her down the hallway as they came across a bunch of odd or normal things belonging to other students but she still hadn't seen her bag and bento..

Suddenly, Yashiro screamed in horror as a large amalgamation that swarmed in eyes and darkness appeared. The eyes that moved freely on the body stopped, the pupils moving to stare directly at them, the jaws of the beast opened as a bag was in their clutches. Horror was evident on both Yashiro's and (Name)'s face as the words of the beast filtered in with flashbacks about what they said of Yousei-san.

"If you look at it.."


"They steal anything and everything."


"If you see them.."

"If you look at them.."

"You die."

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