Episode 12 (4)

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"Kanan! Wake up!"

He groaned, trying to lift his head off the ground and realizing it was throbbing.

"Kanan!" Zeb called again, and his purple face was staring at him, smirking. O-Mer was looking over his shoulder, trying not to laugh. "How's your face?"

"Why did you hit me?" he complained, sitting up.

"What? You had a helmet on," Zeb objected, right as Ezra was coming around.

He groaned, massaging his jaw. "Did you have to hit us so hard?"

"Hey, you wanted it to look good."

"Oh, it looked good," O-Mer assured him, offering a hand to pull Kanan to his feet. "It looked great. I think you're getting a bruise on your cheek."

He glared momentarily at his friend. "I didn't see you getting decked. You're welcome."

Laughing, O-Mer helped Ezra to his feet too. "No one tries to hit an ambassador. It's a nice change of pace from trying not to die all the time."

"Speaking of, where's Granger?" Ezra asked, looking around. "Did he make it on board?"

"In the cockpit with Hera," Zeb explained, and they all began walking to find the others.

When they got up there, Ryder was actually the one talking with Hera. Granger was walking behind the pair of them. While they were talking, Sabine caught up with Kanan, Ezra, and Zeb.

"We heard what happened," Zeb told Ezra, referring to his parents. "Sorry, kid."

"Hey, at least now you know," Sabine reminded him, trying to find some light. Hera and Ryder walked past them, and Hera made a note to talk to Ezra about it later after they dealt with their situation.

Ezra nodded, standing as tall as he could. "Yeah. I guess I just need some time." He walked off toward the turret, and Sabine and Zeb took the hint. The information had been processed, but the emotions were still working their way through his head. He hadn't quite dealt with it yet.

O-Mer, who was standing behind Kanan, watched him go, and Granger walked up to the pair of them. "Bad news?"

"He's okay. He just lost some people close to him," Kanan told them, staring after his Padawan. "It's a challenge being his age with so much responsibility."

"Well, you would know all about that, wouldn't you?" O-Mer nudged.

"So would you."

Granger crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. "His parents, right?" When Kanan nodded, he went on. "I know the feeling. Should I talk to him?"

Kanan nodded, but O-Mer stared at him. "You're volunteering to talk about emotions?"

"Emotions about parents? It's not like either of you has any experience with this," he retorted, walking off without waiting for a response.

Neither of them tried to. A moment of stunned silence followed before O-Mer muttered, "He's not wrong, but jeez."

"He needs to chill out," Kanan agreed, tossing his helmet to the side and sitting against the wall. It was nice to rest for a minute.

"I've been telling him that for years," complained O-Mer, who joined him on the floor. "Good luck."

"You seemed to play a good 'lad in distress,'" Kanan teased, elbowing him. "Wouldn't want to get those ambassador hands dirty."

O-Mer rolled his eyes, staring down at his hands. "I haven't been in a firefight in years. At least, not any more than this. I told you my lightsaber broke, right?"

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