*Episode 15 (4)

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Kanan woke up a lot earlier than he usually did. He got dressed quickly and stole out of his room quietly, trying not to wake the others. He didn't know what being a part of the Rebellion meant for the crew, but it probably didn't entail staying on this cruiser for long and he wanted to talk to Master Skywalker again before they left.

Not that he really knew what he wanted to talk about. It didn't really matter to Kanan, but it would also be pretty awkward if they sat in silence for half an hour. Walking down the ramp of the Ghost, he started wandering around looking for the Jedi Knight and thinking of something to talk about.

He could feel him pretty quickly, actually. Not many people were up and about this early but Master Skywalker was. Pulling his hair back into its usual ponytail in the back, Kanan wandered through the halls in the general direction of his presence. It wasn't long before he saw him walking alongside a blue astromech droid, just in clothes and not his armor.

Master Skywalker raised an eyebrow when he saw him. "I would have expected you to still be resting after yesterday."

"I'm fine," Kanan assured him, crossing his arms. "It's Ezra who might need a day or two. I don't think he's used to all of this quite yet."

"He didn't get tortured," he reminded him, waving for Kanan to walk with him. "But I won't push the topic. I just wouldn't overexert yourself for a while."

"Noted," Kanan nodded, before asking, "What are you doing so early?"

Grinning, Anakin resisted the sarcastic urge to ask Kanan the same thing. "Training, while I still have the chance. Rebel command has a mission for me and I'll probably be taking off in the next day or so. There's a bit more space on the cruiser than there is on my ship, so I try to take advantage of it when I can. There's always room for one more, though."

He was so distracted by the 'mission' sentence that he almost didn't comprehend the offer. "Really?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, I want to!" he told him, his face lighting up like a lightsaber. "I've been so focused on training Ezra that I've barely trained myself."

That's what Anakin was hoping he would say. It was also the actual reason he had been up so early in the first place. "Come on, there's a storage room in the back that not normally in use."

Kanan followed his wake, walking through the halls towards the back of the cruiser. The astromech droid was still with them, chirping a little bit at other droids as they passed. Squinting at the droid, he asked, "Isn't that the same droid that you flew with in the Clone War?"

"Yep," Anakin answered proudly, patting Artoo's metal head. "He's stuck with me ever since Order 66 and saved my neck more than once."

"I remember him from the time I met Senator Amidala," Kanan noted, before making a face. "Let's hope he gets along with Chopper. He's not always friendly."

Smirking, Anakin rolled his eyes. "I know, I've met him. Either they'll hit it right off, or they'll turn each other into scrap. Artoo got into a fight with another droid yesterday. And the day before that."

"Great," he groaned, and Anakin smirked as he knocked Artoo's leg with his foot. Artoo grumbled at him but didn't retaliate, for once.

It wasn't long before Anakin found the storage room he was talking about. The door opened and the lights flipped on, having sensed movement in the room. True to his predictions, the shelves in this unit were completely empty. There were no crates lining the walls or stacked up to the ceilings. Lifting the empty shelves, Anakin moved them all over so the middle of the room was open.

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