Episode 14

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"Kairi..." Alejandro's mom knocked on their bedroom door where Kairi was sitting by himself.

"Mom... I'm sorry. I know I messed up I'm sorry." Kairi cried as he hugged himself.

She walked over and hugged him. "Kairi, I think we should talk about you getting a therapist. I know it's scary but, you need help." She brushed the hair out of his tear stained face.

"I don't have the money to get a therapist right now." Kairi admitted as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"There's many free options and if necessary I will help you Kairi. We love you and we want you to be safe." Kairi turned and hugged her.

"Thank you, mom." She smiled and rubbed his back.

"I have to go get Emiliano from school, I love you. I made dinner, please try to enjoy it for me Kairi." Kairi nodded and she kissed his forehead before getting up and leaving.

Kairi wiped his tears and walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen where his boyfriends were sat at the table.

"Hey..." Kairi walked in slowly and pulled out a chair at the table.

Alejandro smiled and passed him a plate which Kairi politely declined, claiming he wasn't hungry.

"Fucking hell." Mattia slammed his silverware down and walked out of the apartment. He sat outside for a few minutes trying to calm himself before he broke out in tears and walked back in.

"No, Ale! He hates me! It's all my fault!" Mattia walked into the kitchen.

"Mattia! Please! Please don't be mad! Look! I'll eat just don't hate me!" Kairi had tears streaming down his cheeks. He choked back a sob as he took a bite of food trying to choke it down but he couldn't bring himself to do it as he sobbed.

"Kairi! Please stop! I don't hate you! I love you! Kairi I love you!" Kairi sat down on the kitchen floor, Mattia's arms wrapped around him as he sobbed into his shoulder.

"Yes you do! I disgust you! That's why you wanted to leave! That's why you got mad!" Kairi cried as he tried to push away from Mattia. He had become so weak that he barely put pressure on Mattia.

"I didn't get mad at you! I got mad at myself because I can't help you! I love you so much Kairi I'm not leaving you." Alejandro had tears dripping down his face as he watched his two lovers cry.

"I'll eat! I'll eat with you guys! I know I'm fat but if you want to see me eat i'll eat just please don't be mad!" Kairi begged, his boyfriends were gonna leave him. He knows it. He's way to fat and ugly for them, they deserve someone better, someone skinnier, prettier.

"Baby calm down please. I love you, you're okay." Alejandro walked over and wrapped his arms around him.

Kairi finally calmed down and started to breathe evenly and relaxed into his boyfriends grasps.

"Guys, I can eat okay. I can do it, if you want me to." Kairi whispered, voice hoarse from crying.

"We'll be right here with you baby." Mattia kissed his forehead and helped them both off of the floor.

Alejandro pulled Kairi's chair out for him and Kairi sat down. He played with his fingers as he contemplated whether he should eat or not.

"Take your time baby, it's okay." Mattia reassured him.

Kairi picked up the spoon and grabbed a small amount of rice, shakily bringing it to his mouth before placing the food in his mouth.

Tears dripped down his face as he chewed but his boyfriends just wiped them away and rubbed his back.

When he finished about half of his plate he couldn't stand the feeling anymore as he chewed the last bite, choking it down before placing the spoon down.

"Kai, I love you. Thank you so much baby." Alejandro kissed his forehead while Mattia gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"L-little? Please?" Kairi asked just above a whisper.

"Of course baby." Mattia kissed his forehead and picked him up. "Octonauts?"

"Y-yes pease." Kairi rested his head on Mattia's shoulder as he allowed himself to be carried, salty tears painting Mattia's shirt but the boy didn't mind. He was so proud of his baby.

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