Episode 7

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"Kai! We found one!" Mattia said as he brought the laptop over to show Kairi the apartment they found.

"Call the owner!" Alejandro pulled out his phone and dialed the number on the screen.

Alejandro stepped out of the room to talk to the owner and Kairi finished up the paperwork. Mattia looked for a back up option just in case but he didn't have to worry once Alejandro busted back into the room with a big smile.

"We can go meet with her and sign the papers tomorrow." They all hugged before realization hit Kairi.

"Ale, I have work tomorrow, I can't-"

"Actually it's close by and we can get there and do this before you have to work." Alejandro kissed the worried boy he smiled, he was gonna get out.

"We have two hours before I have to bring you home, wanna do anything?" Kairi nodded with a soft smile on his face.

"Kai Kai?" Mattia and Alejandro smiled and nodded and Kairi giggled.

"We missed you baby." Mattia hugged the short boy who had a big smile on his face.

"I misseded you too daddy." Kairi giggled and pulled away from the hug to hug Alejandro.

"An I mist you dada." Alejandro got a big smile as his baby hugged him.

"Are you hungry munchkin?" Kairi nodded vigorously causing the two boys to laugh.

"C'mon lets go make you food." Mattia gave the boy a piggy back ride to the kitchen where Alejandro heated up some leftover pasta and sauce for Kairi to eat.

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