Episode 15

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After Kairi fell asleep Mattia and Alejandro sat next to him on the couch. Alejandro was playing with the small boys hair while Mattia watched with his head rested on Ale's shoulder.

"He has gone through so much... it's so unfair..." Alejandro sighed and Mattia just hummed in agreement.

They were all tired. Exhausted.

Mattia picked the sleeping boy up and carried him to their bedroom. He laid him down softly in the center of the bed and Alejandro laid next to him wrapping his arms around him gently.

Mattia smiled at the sight of his two partners before turning the light off and laying down on the other side of Kairi.

"Goodnight, I love you." His words were barely above a whisper but Alejandro still blushed all the same.

"Goodnight I love you too."


Sleep was temporary. Around 3 o'clock in the morning all three boys woke up to the sound of their home phone ringing.

The answering machine went off and a voicemail began to play through the room.

"Kairi, you're a disgusting fucking faggot. This is why I fucking raped you all those years you fucking fag. You're disgusting! You're no son of mine!" Kairi began to hyperventilate as the sound of his fathers voice rang through the quiet room.

Kairi started to cry as his boyfriends started to turn on the lights and turn the answering machine off.

"Kairi its okay. He can't hurt you baby." Alejandro tried to calm him down while Mattia tried to stay calm himself and not punch a hole in the wall.

"No! He didn't! He didn't hurt me! He was drunk! He was just teaching me a lesson! No!" Kairi cried as he began to claw at his own arms.

He didn't want to be in this skin anymore, he couldn't stand it.

"MATTIA PLEASE HELP!" Alejandro yelled for his boyfriend as he tried to hold the boys arms away.

Mattia's eyes softened as he saw his boyfriend and immediately wrapped his arms around him so he couldn't hurt himself.

"Hey Kai baby, can you breathe for me?" He asked in the sweetest tone as he pushed their chests against each other so Kairi could feel his breathing.

"Just breathe with me okay baby?" Kairi started to calm down but he was still sobbing into Mattia's chest.

Mattia kissed his forehead before finally pulling away after the boy started to breathe properly again.

"I'm sorry." Kairi said as he looked up at his partners. "I just wasn't prepared for that..."

"Baby, you don't have to apologize. Its not your fault." Alejandro smiles sadly as he pulls the boy in for a hug.

"I love you guys so much." Kairi choked out as he hugged Alejandro tightly.

"We love you too baby." Mattia replied as he tan his fingers through the boys hair.

"C'mon let's go to sleep, we have school tomorrow!" Kairi laughed slightly and they all laid down for bed again.

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