Episode 3

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Kairi sat at the back of his math class with his head down on the table.

"What's wrong? 'Kai Kai'?" A tall boy sat in front of his desk.

"Isn't that what they call you? Kai Kai?" Kairi tried to scoot back but the boy stopped him.

"You're never gonna get rid of me, Kairi. The things we did are gonna be with you forever."

Kairi grabbed his bag and ran out of the class room.

He slammed the bathroom stall shut and locked it.

"No Kai Kai, not now." He whispered to himself.

"Fuck I have to text them." He pulled out his phone and tapped on his and Alejandro's conversation.

New Message From: Kai baby💕

Ale Kai Kai bathroom now.

That's all he typed before he slipped.

Kai Kai sat in the stall and patiently waited for Alejandro. He played some games that Kairi had downloaded for him.

"Kai Kai?!" Mattia and Alejandro came into the bathroom as quickly as possible.

"Da da?" Kairi unlocked the door and walked out to find the two boys.

"Hi baby boy." Ale hugged the shorter boy.

"Da da where are we?" Kairi looked up at Alejandro with confusion.

"We're in school right now baby." Mattia answered the boy.

"Daddy! You're here too?" Mattia laughed at the shocked boy and nodded.

"Yeah baby, I'm here too. Do you wanna go home bubba?" Mattia played with the boy's hair who nodded and hummed as his hair was played with.

"Yes pease cause mean daddy here." Both boys looked down at him confused.

"What do you mean bubba?" Alejandro asked.

"Kai ree was talkin to da mean daddy." They were shocked, Kairi mentioned a past caregiver but they didn't know he went to the same school as them.

"We'll talk to Kairi about it later baby, c'mon." Mattia wrapped his arm around Kairi's shoulders and they walked out the back door of the building.


"Who is the mean old daddy that Kai Kai was talking about?" Mattia asked the shorter boy who looked up from his phone in shock.


"Kairi baby, please talk to us." Alejandro sat next to him.

"Okay um, do you remember the kid Jackson from my math class?" Both boys nodded.

"Well, he's my ex boyfriend. And my ex care giver." Kairi looked down in his lap as he spoke.

"Why did Kai Kai call him mean?" Kairi started to cry.

"Baby, I didn't mean to make you cry." Alejandro apologized.

"No. It's okay, I'm gonna tell you guys. When he found out about Kai Kai he said he found it hot. At the time I didn't really think anything of it. Then one day, when I was little, he asked if I wanted to play a game." Kairi broke down in tears.

"Baby, I'm so sorry that happened to you." Alejandro held him tightly.

"Kairi, I love you but I have to walk away." Mattia walked out of the room and punched his wall. Who the fuck does he think he is? How could he do that to Kairi, to Kai Kai..

He punched the wall until there was blood painting his knuckles and tears fell. "Mattia! That's enough!" Alejandro yelled at him and stopped him from swinging his fist into the wall again.

"Ale." Mattia hugged him and cried. "I should've known, we were his best friends."

"Tia, you couldn't have known." He rubbed Mattia's back while he cried.

"Guys, let's go lay down." Kairi grabbed both of their hands and walked back into Mattia's bedroom.

He laid down on the bed and pulled them down next to him. the each had and arm wrapped around his stomach as the held him.

"I love you guys."

"We love you too baby."

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