Episode 9

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"We need to get your stuff from your house Kai." Mattia said as he sat up on Alejandro's bed.

"I know i'm just scared to run into my dad." Kairi sighed, running a hand through his long black hair.

"We can have the police come with us at about three o'clock and get your things from the house." Alejandro suggested.

"Nah bitch ACAB." Mattia said causing causing Kairi to choke on a sip of water while they laughed.

"We can go to the police station tomorrow." Kairi and Mattia nodded.

"C'mere Kai." Mattia held his arms open for a hug and Kairi laid himself on top of him.

"Dada come on. Sit wif me an daddy." Kairi reached for Alejandro.

"Okay Kai Kai." Alejandro smiled and got up from his chair, laying down next to Kairi and Mattia and playing with the little's hair.

"Daddy?" Kairi looked up at Mattia while poking his face gently making Mattia smile at him and peck his nose. "Yes baby?" Mattia replied making Kairi giggle from the light peck.

"I hungry." Kairi said softly playing with the strands of hair that covered Mattia's forehead.

"Oh you are?" Mattia asked making the short boy nod. "Well then let's get you food little monster!" Mattia tickled his at his sides and Kairi screeched and laughed.

"Dada will you carry me pease?" Kairi asked Alejandro shyly.

"Of course I will munchkin!" Alejandro smiled and picked Kairi up, carrying him to the kitchen.

"Is mac&cheese okay, dino?" Kairi nodded excitedly, his fluffy hair flopping side to side as he he did so.

"Well Matti, I think he's okay with mac&cheese." Alejandro laughed.

Kairi ate the bowl of mac&cheese quickly and asked for more which Mattia immediately served.

"Damn bubba-"

"Daddyyyy~ no bad words!"Kairi laughs and Mattia apologizes.

"My bad baby, but when was the last time you ate?" Mattia questions while brushing the hair out of the boy's messy face.

"Wast night." Kairi answers with a mouth full of noodles.

"Ew munchkin chew first." Alejandro laughs and tickles him.

"Sorry Dada." Kairi smiles and takes another bite.

"Why didn't you eat this morning dino?" Mattia asks him another question, this on making Kairi slip out of his head-space in a panic.

"Mattia, I don't wanna talk about it." Kairi pushes the bowl away from him and walks back into Alejandro's room.

"What the fuck?" Mattia looks down at the half eaten bowl of macaroni and sighs.

"We'll talk to him, but we should wait a while. He's already going through so much with this move." Mattia nods and takes care of the bowl.

"Matti, I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you it's just, I don't wanna open up about that yet." Kairi says with tears building up in his eyes, slowly making their way down his tan skin.

"Hey, baby, it's okay. One thing at a time. Right?" Kairi sniffles and nods, reaching out for a hug from them both.

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