Episode 13

683 19 5

MAJOR TW: Self Harm!!

Kairi sat in the office with both of his boyfriends on either side of him. He was bouncing his leg as he waited to speak with the principle.

"Kairi Cosentino, Mattia Polibio, and Alejandro Rosario." The three boys stood up and made their way into the office. The principle shut the door behind them before sitting behind his desk.

"Mr. Polibio, do you care to explain why Jackson is in the nurse's office with a broken nose?" The principle looked angry, like he might snap at any moment.

"No not really-"

"ALRIGHT! What he meant to say, Mr. Park, was that Jackson has been bullying and harassing our b- our um friend, and Jackson was antagonizing him at the lunch table so Mattia stepped in and they got into a- um a altercation." Alejandro couldn't believe Mattia but at the same time, the boy was an asshole. He was just hoping his explanation was enough to get them out of a little bit of trouble.

"Bullying does not condone violence Mr. Rosario but, I assume you were already aware of that fact?" Mr. Park looked at Alejandro expectingly.

"Yes sir, I am aware."

"Mr. Polibio you will be suspended for 4 days and have detention for two weeks after you get back. I'm calling your parents and informing them that you must leave the school today. all three of you." Mr. Park waved them out of his office and immediately began making phone calls.

"My mom's gonna be pissed."

"I'm pissed Mattia! What the fuck was that shit? You could've gotten yourself in way more trouble acting like that!" Alejandro was pissed to say the least.

"Oh yeah Ale, I'm so fucking sorry for standing up for our boyfriend, okay." Mattia rolled his eyes.

"Do you even fucking hear yourself?! It wasn't about you standing up for him it was about how you acted in the fucking office are you that dull?!" Alejandro was in his face yelling and Mattia could feel his anger rising.

"Shut the fuck up both of you! I don't need defending! Or fucking protecting! Mattia you did that because you were mad not because of me so don't try to fucking use me as an excuse. I'm going home, maybe I'll see you there but only if you two are done fighting like fucking assholes!" Alejandro and Mattia were speechless as they watched their boyfriend walk out of the school.

When they walked through the door of their apartment Kairi was sitting at the kitchen table.

"Kai, we're sorry. We were being childish and stupid." Mattia said after he got the boy's attention.

"No Mattia, you were being childish and stupid BUT, apology accepted." Kairi made his way around the table and wrapped his arms around Mattia, pulling Alejandro in with him so the three of them were hugging.

"I'm gonna make dinner, what do you want Kai?" Alejandro asked as he pulled away from the hug.

"Not hungry." Kairi replied, shoving his face into Mattia's chest.

Alejandro sighed and nodded. "I'm just gonna order some pork and rice then, is that cool Matti?"

"Yeah." Mattia kissed his forehead. "I'm gonna go shower."

Kairi nodded and pulled away, walking into the living room to watch TV.

"We just need to give him a plate while he's watching TV and maybe he'll be distracted enough to eat." Alejandro whispered to Mattia who agreed.

Mattia finished his shower and laid on the couch with Kairi watching whatever was on.

The food came and Alejandro made plates for the three of them. He handed Mattia his and silently handed a plate to Kairi.

Not paying much attention Kairi took the plate and ate while focused on the screen.

A commercial came on screen and Kairi suddenly became aware of the food in his hands. His stomach began to turn as he looked at the plate, he couldn't believe how much he had eaten. He placed the almost full plate on the table in front of him and got up to use the bathroom.

"Damn it."

When Kairi came back he had a tear on his cheek.

"Dada my arm hurt." Kairi sat down on the floor and started to cry.

"Baby, hey why does it hurt baby?" Kairi rolled his sleeve up to show a cut on his arm, the arther he rolled it up the more cuts there were. Six in total.

"Oh baby, come with me!" Alejandro pulled him up and carried him to the bathroom. I'm gonna wrap your boo boo up okay Kai Kai?" Kairi nodded with a few tears sitting on his cheeks.

Alejandro got some gauze from a first aid kit and began to wrap his arm in it, taping it at the end so it would stay in place.

"Are you hungry?" Mattia asked from the doorway of the bathroom.

Kairi nodded his head and made grabby hands for Alejandro to pick him up off of the toilet seat.

"Okay little Dino, we have some food in the living room." Mattia smiled softly as he brushed the hair out of the boy's face and wiped his tears.

"Can we watch octanauts pease?" Kairi asked with his head rested on Alejandro's shoulder.

"Of course baby." Mattia put Octonauts on the TV for him before pulling Alejandro into the kitchen.

"We have to get rid of his blades. And do you think we should maybe ask your mom what to do? She's the only other person I would trust with this." Mattia was shaking as he rambled.

"Matti, calm down. Go play with Kai, make him feel happy okay? I'll call my mom and get rid of the blades and stuff." Mattia nodded and made his way back to the living room.

"Mom... I need your help with something..." Alejandro choked back a sob while he spoke.

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