Episode 12

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"Guys, don't be mad but, Mr. Brown said I can't change my Math class." Kairi said to his boyfriends after sitting down at their lunch table.

"What the fuck?" Mattia looked pissed. "You're getting fucking harassed and he's not gonna let you switch?" Mattia started to get louder as he stood from the table.

Just as Mattia was about to storm off Jackson walked up to Kairi's table.

"Ready for Math next Kairi?" He smiled mockingly as he stood in front of Kairi.

"Get the fuck out of here Jackson!" Mattia yelled in his face.

"What? You gonna tell me you haven't fucked innocent little-" Jackson was knocked to the ground with a pissed Mattia on top of him, punching him over and over.

Blood painted Mattia's fist and the floor beneath Jackson's head as he punched him in the face repeatedly.

"MATTIA! STOP PLEASE!" Kairi begged as he pulled on his sweatshirt.

Mattia backed off and wrapped his arms around Kairi, who was crying at this point.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Kai. You're okay baby." A teacher finally made their way through the crowd.

"YOU THREE! TO THE OFFICE! Someone help Jackson to the nurse's office right now!" Mattia, Alejandro, and Kairi made their way to the office.

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