A/N: be ready for a roller coaster.
I also didn't put any smut last chapter. I know. I'm sorry 😭
I forgot. But I'm pretty sure i said i might put minor smut. MIGHT. so technically. Fight me. Grr. (Dont worry tho it's coming in this chapter....Haha. coming.)
Narrator POV...
"I'm sorry." Eleanor said quietly as she walked closer and closer to the microphone.
Louis and Harry looked at one another in straight panic. Zayn grabbed Louis' hand and squeezed. Niall, Liam, and Taylor ran over to them.
"What the fuck is she doing?!" Louis yelled at them. Tears were starting to form into his eyes.
"We don't know. But it won't be good." Taylor said. "Louis.. it's okay. Remember what we've been telling you. Don't let this be the end." She looked at Harry. "You too okay?"
Harry nodded and looked down. "Fucking hell." He grabbed Louis' free hand and didn't let go. He didn't want to let go.
Tapping was heard from the speaker and the room got quiet. The group looked to the stage. Eleanor had the microphone in hand and everyone was looking up at her.
"Hello." She said and smiled. "If you don't know me, my name is Eleanor Calder. I'm here now to tell you all something I figured out quite a while ago. It was quite surprising when I found out if I'm being totally honest."
"I'm going to kill her. She better wipe that smug little smile off her fucking face." Harry muttered.
"And I actually have had this planned since then. Knowing the dance was coming up, it just had to be announced." Eleanor said. "I'm going to start from the beginning. So straight to the point of how it all started. I like this guy. He's super sweet, and charming, and is just the best guy I've ever met. That guy is Louis Tomlinson." A few words were said in the crowd. "He had run into a boy at lunch one day. That boy soon became friends with him and they got closer and closer. One day I was strolling along in my neighborhood and saw them at the park. But they weren't just standing around or swinging. They were kissing. A whole lot. A bit too much. So I just kept it secret that I knew. It wasn't by business to tell. But of course, being me, I had to do something to get my little boobear back with me. I decided I wanted to rid of this boy. The boy that corrupted my little Louis' mind. Made him confused about himself. I just wanted to help is all."
Louis dropped to the ground in sobs. Harry sat on the floor and pulled him in, holding him. Zayn crouched to help calm him.
"Skipping to the most important parts, not trying to waste time. You all saw Louis and I kiss in the hallway. That really made me feel like Lou was lying to himself. Louis had kissed back. But he was with this boy. So why would he at all kiss back? Isn't that just cheating?" Eleanor continued to spit words out like a bad taste had been put into her mouth. "Now I figure you all want to know who this boy is. At first I thought, 'maybe I should mind my own business.' When I found out they found out about my plan, though, I changed everything. I decided you guys ought to know the secrets that they've held for two months. So. Who is the boy? Well. The boy is the exact same person who walked Louis out of school today. The boy who is the star of our football team. The hottest guy in school." She smirked over at the group. "The boy..."
She paused and everyone was saying things. Quiet words were being said as everyone started to look back at the group.
Where the hell are the teachers at? Taylor thought.

Hidden Secrets. [l.s.] ✔
RomanceHarry [18] , a jock, plays any sport he can, hottest guy in school. He's of course popular and girls will do anything to get to him and have him in bed. but he has a dirty little secret. Louis [17], quiet, dark, a loner. he doesnt do sports he smoke...