Chapter Eleven

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A/N: I've hot nothing. Enjoy!


Harry's POV...

"Liam's here."


Liam wasn't supposed to be here til 8. Its only 6.


"Uhh shit. Umm we need a plan. Go open the door-" Louis cut me off and pushed me away from him.

"Hell no!" He looked at me like I was crazy. "He's the reason for my fucking back to be aching!"

"I know baby I know. Just tell him you had to tutor me with math for a grade." I tried explaining.

"I'm not good at math." He said blantly.

"Oh well then english-"


"What is your best subject then?!" I took his shoulders in my hands.


"Then tell him you were tutoring me in Bio for a grade! I'll explain that you were the one the teacher chose. Besides. We have that class togther so it'll make sense." I smiled at him. "Please?"

"Ugh fine. But you have to open the door. I'll be in the kitchen and when he asks I'll explain and say I was making tea. I want tea anyways." He gave me back a smug smile. I chuckled.

"Deal." I leaned in and kissed him deeply. And he kissed back.

I smiled into the kiss and then pulled away. Louis whined at the loss of contact.

"Later." I pecked his lips and I headed down the stairs.

I could hear his little feet trail behind me as he was on his way to the kitchen.

I walked my way to the front door and opened it.

"Took you long enough!!" Liam pushed past me inside. "You fucking someone? Is it Taylor?"

I cringed at her name. "No dude. I'm not fucking anyone. I just got out of the shower." I thought back to the recent events with me and Louis.

"Ugh well I invited the girls over for tonight." He made his way to my living room. Only being a room away from the kitchen. From Louis.

"Uh okay? I didn't say they could. Who of the girls is coming?" I asked before leaning over the back of my couch.

"Tay, El, and Dani."

"Fuck uhm. Okay. You want a beer?" I said, trying to find my excuse to get into the kitchen. I knew Louis heard it. He was not gonna be happy.

"Yeah man grab a cou-" just when Liam was about to finish his sentence, glass was heard breaking on my kitchen floor.


"What the hell was that?" Liam turned his body on the couch to look at me.

"Stay here man I'll check." I quickly made my way to the kitchen and saw Louis leaning over the counter, his hand covered in blood, and tears falling.

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