Goverment Sibling Headcannons

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-0- IDC is older -0-

America initially went through multiple versions and attempts with our domestic government but during the revolution we needed to negotiate with other countries for help so we got our international relations settled up early on, making IDC the older one.

Nooo, I'm not saying IDC had a twin that was the initial 'government' system during the revolution that died and was replaced by another little brother who was too weak or didn't work and also died, repeat process once or thrice before DC came about, not at all, what would EVER make you think such a thing?

-0- DC was sick a lot as a kid -0-

(See the previous chapter for why)
This led to IDC missing meetings to check up on him and trying to stay home when she could to make sure he got better, along with doing his work too so he's get some rest.

S̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶

-0- IDC wasn't taken very seriously at first -0-

I mean, other countries already didn't take America that seriously when we first started out, why would their personifications take her, as "America" seriously either?

There's also the fact that America happened before women's suffrage did. When America started out as a country it wasn't taken that seriously.
So here we have IDC, who in representing that, isn't taken seriously because she's a woman

Whenever meetings were held in the US they'd usually ask for DC to hold the meeting, telling IDC to wait outside of the conference room. This left DC to take notes for her so she'd actually be able to do her job. It was a tiring setup for both of them.

-0- related to the previous one -0-

Once women gained rights and it settled into being the norm, meaning IDC could do whatever she wants, she went nuts with it. She still doesn't let people tell her what to do, she's had enough of that for a lifetime thank you very much.
IDC will live however she wants and you can fuck off if you try and tell her otherwise.

-0- they care a lot about image -0-

DC is the government and needs to represent the country well, image is important to him, so if something is the norm he's gonna meet it.

This extends to IDC but rather than her wanting to follow rules and act a certain way, she simply has to. You can make or break negotiations with other countries depending on how you present yourself.
This leads to her not having the energy for even the bare minimum of manners when she's just gotten back home from international duty.

-0- DC was a problem child -0-

He was a growing government and so in his younger years, before he chilled out, he did the crimes as practice. Vandalism, pick pocketing, cons, shop lifting, etc.

When he was little he'd trick the President's and White House worker's kids/grandkids into giving him their Holliday candies by giving them 'magic immortality gems' that were actually just shiny rocks. He got a l l the chocolate bunnies.

As he grew up he moved on to worse crimes until his late teen years when he fully calmed down and settled into underhanded shady government business.

-0- unless IDC actually cares she can't fake enthusiasm -0-

All her energy to do so is used up during world meetings.

-0- DC is bad at the self care thing and IDC will not hesitate to ground him -0-

He'll forget to eat, or sleep, or drink water, or shower, or carry out basic self care because he's busy working. So what does IDC do when she hears about this? Grounded.

She clears his schedule, transfers all online documents to her own computer, takes away his paperwork, and makes sure he has no excuses for not taking care of himself. She'll also choose a state to follow him around and point out when he's not resting, usually this task falls to Florida since he'd never pass up the chance to bug DC and is always hanging around him anyway.

Yes he's an adult but as his older sister, IDC is still allowed to ground him, whether he likes it or not.

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