Chapter Fifteen

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Yeji sat in silence in front of her mother in the conference room. "So, Yeji, would you like to tell me why you were out so late?" Her mother asked, arms and legs crossed.

"I wanted to hang out with my friend. Be lucky I even came home." Yeji said confidently, guilt and anxiety piling up on her almost immediately after.

Her mom was taken aback. "Where's this attitude coming from, Yeji? Who's influenced you to act like this?" Her mom asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Nobody, I-" "Don't give me that shit Yeji. You're an obedient little dummy, you couldn't have had the idea or disobeying on your own." Yeji's mother smiled. "Don't make me laugh. If you make that mistake again, don't consider yourself part of this family. It'll make headlines that you stay out at night! People will think you smoke and do drugs with your friends late at night." Her mother thought out loud.

"And even worse, you'll be an embarrassment to the entire family." Yeji's mother sighed. "I don't want to argue with you any longer. Go up to your room Yeji, and don't EVER do that again. Got it?" Yeji's mother asked, her daughter nodding.

Yeji stood up and left the room, tears flowing down her cheeks. She knew this would happen, which is why she never tried to rebel in any way. Her mother would yell at her, then send her off. Nobody believed in her. Not her friends or her family, not even her past boyfriends.

The only one who really cared was Lia.

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