Chapter Fourteen

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Soon enough, the girls were making their way to the top of the ferris wheel.

"Eek, this is so exciting!" Lia said, kicking her feet like a kid. Yeji just looked out the window, enjoying the moment.

"Hey, is something up? You seem off." Lia asked Yeji. "I just wish I could be like this all the time." She sighed. "Why can't you?" Lia asked out of curiosity.

"I'm Hwang Yeji, that's why. My mom is popular for her beauty and my dad is famous for his fashion line, and I'm the daughter of them, so I always need to act proper and look my best. Any mistake, not matter how small, is horrible for me and my parent's image." Yeji tapped her feet on the floor. "I just wish I could live my life as a normal teenager. I wanna have fun like this all the time, but it's impossible for someone like me." Yeji sighed at the end of her sentence.

"That's horrible.. And you just obey? You have no other options?" Lia asked. "What do you mean other options?" Yeji asked.

"I mean, have you ever tried to disobey?" Lia asked. "That would bring fun to your boring teen life!" Lia suggested.

"That would ruin our image, I couldn't-" Lia interrupted Yeji by holding her hands. "Come on, Yeji. You need to live your life to the fullest." Lia encouraged her.

"Are you cra-" "Yeji, you wanna live the teen life, it's all about risks and having fun! You wouldn't enjoy disobeying at least a bit?" Lia asked.

Yeji thought about it for a few minutes before she made her decision.

"Maybe I will.. I've always been afraid to, but I'll listen to myself from now on." Yeji smiled at Lia. Yeji felt hopeful in herself.

After a bit, the girls were at the top of the ferris wheel, staring out the window, giggling and laughing about anything and everything.

Yeji arrived home later than usual. It was 9:00 pm and she was always home by 7:30 or earlier.

She tip toed into the large mansion, making sure not to make any noise until she tripped on the stairs. "Crap!" Yeji said as she heard one of the maids run down the stairs to help her.

"Ms. Hwang, what do you think you're doing?!" The maid panicked, helping Yeji stand up. "Shhh!" Yeji put her finger over the maid's mouth.

"Promise not to tell my mom about thi-"
"Hwang Yeji!"

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