Chapter Four

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"Ugh, Lia why would you do that! That's damage of somebody's property!" Lia's mom scolded her.

"I'm sorry, mom.." Lia hung her head low. "I won't do it again, I promise." Lia looked her mom in the eyes.

"Okay, I trust you Lia." Her mom smiled, Lia smiling with her. "Also, I have big news!" Her mom smiled even bigger.

"What is it?" Lia said, going to sit on her mattress. She lived behind a pizza shop, so there was no roof under her head and no walls to give her and mother privacy. Just a mattress on the floor, 2 chairs and a very, very small nightstand next to it. And of course her backpack and an outlet for her lamp.

"I heard from the school and kids walking by here that there's going to be a rich, new student at your school!" Lia's mom exclaimed. "Maybe you should try to talk to him when he gets there? I'm sure he's plenty attractive, just like you!" Her mom pinched her cheek.

"Mh, I don't wanna try that again mom. Last time he found out I was really just dating him for money." Lia sighed, tired. "Come on, just one more try? I'm getting too old to have a sugar daddy or anything, you know that Lia." Her mom giggled.

"Fine, fine! I'll try to get his attention tomorrow, but this'll be the last time I do something like this again, okay mom??" Lia said uncomfortably. Her mom looked at her with regret in her eyes.

"I'm sorry if I seem like a bad mom Lia.. But this is for the both of us, okay?" Lia's mom hugged her.

"Right, the both of us.." Lia hugged her mom back. "I'm going to sleep, okay mom?" Lia's mom nodded, Lia resting her head against the rough pillow. She pulled a blanket over her thin body, slowly drifting to sleep as the moon shined over her and her mom who was sleeping next to her.

Wannabe ♥︎ YejiSuWhere stories live. Discover now