How Kagome met Athanasia and the news from mister doggy

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As the gang walked down the hallway, with a hubbling Claude and Felix behind them, Kagome, who was watching Athy play with her son and adopted daughter, started to think about the first time she met Athanasia when she was still scared of everyone.

💕Flashback Begins💕

It was a normal morning in the village , Kagome and Inuyasha where helping to harvest herbs for the village priestess, Kaede for the winter that was coming in a few months time. But out of no where a demon boar attacked them, Iuyasha tried to protect his mate but forgot his sword in their hut back in the village; same with Kagome's bow and arrows.The boar almost hit them till..........



A shield of jeweled blue protected them and they heard the sound of "VENOMOUS CLAWS!" they saw the demon fell and saw behind them was Sesshomaru and a human girl dressed in a light blue komodo with Jewel blue eyes and sun color hair standing beside him??????????


As the couple silent panic they got glared at by Sesshomaru who said "May you not stare, priestess and little brother, you our scaring Athanasia." The two then looked at the girl who was clinging to the dog demon's fluffy thing? (Dose anyone know what that is!? I look and couldn't find anything!)

The girl then pulled away from Sesshomaru after, he told her to introdue herself, she then did a cursty (something Kagome only saw people do in movies) in her komodo as she said "It's a pleasure to meet you lord Inuyasha, Lady Kagome!"

Inuyasha and Kagome where shocked by her behavior, never seeing anything like it before. Inuyasha was gasping like a fish till he yelled "SESSOHMARU? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??????" 

💕Flashback Ends💕

Kagome smiled at the memory, then she relise they arrived at the parlor. As tea and snacks where set up. Rin and Shippo started to eat, as the adults (plus little Amaldeep who was snacking away on his milk). Claude and Felix where seted farther away from them as Kaome stared to speek.

"Ok since I wasn't allowed at the meetings cause you know" pointed at her belly "Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have been able to open the portal much wider now so I person with very powerful spirtual powers could come threw; they only need to practice it a couple more times then they and their army can come threw!"

Felix was starteled by the news; an army of people and demons who had great power where COME HERE!? As Felix painced Claude was thinking, this Sesshomaru would go threw all that trouble to get back his family as he himself would do.

Claude then interrupted the group by saying "I forgot to tell you Athanasia that tonight is your and Amaldeep debut ball, so a dress will be sent up for you and one for your sister-in-law as well" then walked out with Felix running behind him to keep up. Leaving the group in shock till Kagome scarmed "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"

Meanwhile else where

Sesshomaru was in his room staring at the portaits on the walls, one of his and Athanasia's wedding and another one with them and a newborn Amaldeep in it. Putting his hand on the portait baby's smiling face he whispered "Hang on a little longer my son; soon no one will sepeate our family again."

The door to his room opening and someone walked in, "Sesshomaru, it's time!" Turing around the lord of the West looked at his little brother, before nodding and the two left the room.

Only as the door closed the moon light from the window landed on a portait of Athanasia and Amaldeep, both sleeping underneath Sesshomaru in his true form.


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