Shippo appears

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Felix was leading the servants to the palace when he saw princess Athanasia holding prince Amaldeep running their way crying "LILY!" as she hugged Lily. "PRINCESS" hugging back till she saw the baby stare at her, "Oh this most be your son, he's very handsome!" Amaldeep just started at her for a minute before giggling at the maid. Athanasia sighed lovely saying "Yes he is, takes right after his father" as she kissed his forehead. She looked down as something started rubbing against her kimono looking down and saw "Kirara?" What are you doing here?"

Kirara just stared up at Athanasia purring, as a little boy started running up to her saying "Athanasia I found you!" Felix got ready to attack the the boy, till he saw the boy had fox ears and tail 'Is he the same as prince Amaldeep?'  "Shippo? Why are you here" as Athanasia lowered herself, Shippo hugged her saying "Sesshomaru sent us, Rin and Jaken ahead of them to find and protect the two of you! Also he's coming to get you" Athanasia started to cry happily as she lead the servants and two demons inside the palace.

As Felix heard this, he went to find Claude and report back what Shippo had said. He found Claude still at the ruined tea party, Claude listen and said "Why would this Sesshomaru send those small demons and girl to protect Athanasia and her son? An why is he taking so long getting here?" The two man stayed silent thinking about it, till a voice said "My lord Sesshomaru is preparing for battle to reclaim his family and sent us because we maybe be small but have enough power to take down your people."

They turned around and saw Jaken standing on one of the tables staring at Claude. Claude glared at him asking the demon what he meant. Jaken sighed saying "My lord had met Athanasia after she ran away from you, he felt protective of her after hearing what you did to her" Claude saw the demon glared at him coldly as he continued "after the lady become pregnant with lord Amaldeep, you tried to use your magic to bring her more often and that made Lord Sesshomaru overprotective of them both. As for battle, well you stole his wife and only child. Dog demons are very protective of their young and their mates."

Jaken then left left leaving them alone. Claude didn't know much about demons, but it seemed like this dog demon wouldn't go down with out a fight. "Felix go back to Athanasia and Amaldeep, guard them with your life."

"Yes your highness" said Felix leaving the garden back to his majesty's palace, Claude started to walk towards to the throne room to deal with the final per-ball plans.

Meanwhile in the Western lands

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had open the portal a little bit more so now a single full grown person could get threw. "You sure you can go on your own?" ask Inuyasha holding the person close to his chest. "I will be find Inuyasha don't worry. I have my bow and arrows plus Athy knows how to wield a sword and her magic so we will be find" said a female voice.

"Thank you" said Sesshomaru leading the person the portal "Now go we can't hold it open much longer." The person turned around saying "Bye Inuyasha and see you soon, don't worry the two of us will be fine" holding her pregnant stomach walking into the portal and disappearing. 

After it closed the two dog demons turned and walked away with Inuyasha sighing saying "Kagome please be safe and take care of our child."

Who made me a princess x Inuyasha crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now