Mother and son

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The baby is Amaldeep also add puppy dog ears on top of his head and lose the other pair

It had been over two years since the two met, Athanasia had married Sesshomaru and had just given birth to his son. The baby's name was Amaldeep. The name meant 'One who is an eternal and immortal light to all'. He looked almost  like a cope of Sesshomaru, but the only differences where the dog ears on top of his head and eyes. Amaldeep had Athy's jeweled sky blue eyes.

Athanasia was in the western palace's garden (dressed in a rich red Kimono that had pink flowers all over it, her hair pulled up into a bun with a hair ornaments all threw it of flowers) holding her son, Amaldeep (dressed in a rich purple kimono that was made for a baby), with her maids behind her, walking around. But no wet nurse, Athy fed her son herself, Sesshomaru agreed to it even when his advisors tried to ague about it.

Athanasia then scene magic starting to surround her and Amaldeep, pulling her to the summoner, as the maids screamed trying to pull their lady and young lord to safety. Guards and Sesshomaru started rushing into the garden, as the mother and son disappeared. Athanasia took out one of the flower hair ornaments, throw it at Sesshomaru's feet screaming "FIND US" as they disappeared. Sesshomaru screamed in angrier and grief, but remember his wife's hair ornament and order the guards to find his brother saying "WE WILL GET THE LADY AND YOUNG LORD BACK TO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

As he walked away he whispered saying sadly "Athanasia, Amaldeep, this Sesshomaru will find you, I promise."

In the Obelia empire

Athanasia landed in the throne room, holding her baby close to her chest, seeing all the nobles, Jennette, Claude, and Felix. They all started at her, seeing how she wore strange clothes and jewelry, looking like a regale woman not the forgotten princess they tried to kill. As Claude open his mouth to speak, Amaldeep started to cry, that startled everyone as Athanasia tried to calm her son down "Don't cry Amaldeep, my son, mommy is here." That made an angry Claude storm off his throne and ripped the crying infant form his mother. Looking at the baby, Claude saw the white hair with dog ears laying on top, the crescent moon on the forehead, strip marks in the cheeks, and the royal family's eyes on the infant.

Claude knew that this was his daughter's son, but before he could say anything Duck Alpheus said "Your highness this couldn't be the princess's child, she's still young and this might be a bastard....." but was caught of by Athy slapping him with such force it forced the duke to the ground.

Everyone stared at the princess, who held her head high saying "How dare you Duke Alpheus, Amaldeep is my son, I carried him inside me for 9 months, fed him from my breast, and you dare call him a bastard? He is the son of my husband, Lord Sesshomaru, lord of the western lands, I his mother and my lord's wife, Lady Athanasia of the western lands, and Amaldeep is our son, heir to the western lands."

Claude and everyone stared at her, till Claude started to drag her out of the throne room to his palace with Felix right behind them. He then led her into a bedroom across from his saying she would stay in there till this matter was sorted. He turned to leave, but as he close the door Claude stop by Athanasia voice "Your highness has made a grave error, my lord will find us and nothing will stop him from leaving a blood trail in his tracks till he has us back." That made Claude feel a chill down his back as he closed the door. He whispered "Diana, ...... What have I done to our daughter."

He then went back to the throne room, where Jennette ran up to him whining saying he needed to punish Athanasia for lying and hurting her uncle. Claude screamed "NO JENNETTE, ATHANASIA WASN'T LYING SHE WAS TELLING THE TRUTH, AND SHE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO HURT HIM, THE DUKE INSULTED HER SON, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT NOW JENNETTE!!!!!!!" That led to Jennette running out of the throne room in tears, Claude then turn glaring  and said to all the nobles in a cold voice "Athanasia title of first princess is returned to her, her son is now the heir after her and before Jennette, and if anyone tries to frame her again there will be hell to pay."

He then left to his office where he was thinking 'How in two years Athanasia changed so much? Who is her husband? Why would he leave a trail of blood in his tracks?'

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