Royal Court Meeting part 2

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*Inuyasha opening 3; I love the ending!!!!*

"As you all know even thought Princess Jennette is the eldest daughter of mine, but both she and Princess Athanasia are candiates to inherent the throne. An since Prince Amaldeep is the 3rd heir meaning one day he will be the Emperor after one of the princesses and before any other child born into this family afterwards." Claude statated to the counciel, who all nodded but Jenette and her family.

"But why if I'm become Emperess shouldn't my children come in line before it?" question Jennette folding her arm and pounting, Duke Robane looked at her in disgust wondering how on earth his son, Felix delt with her for years, did she know nothing? "Princess Jennette, since both of you princesses are so close in age, months aparts there was no way to know witch one of you should rule. However Amaldeep is the oldest grandchild to the Emperor, since any child you have will be younger then him ...... how to say this?"

"I can Duke Robane." Countess Valentine said sitting next to her husband before looking at the fool princess "Your unmarried, still any child after you married will be younger then Prince Amaldeep. The people will suport the oldest grandchild by a few years older then any son or daughter of your, Princess Jennette."

The rest of the council nodded their heads, the demons also agreed one dragon demon said "The same in demon culture even a hybrid will take over before an pureblood if their older. Amaldeep is already mutureing faster then any human baby plus he will live longer then any human so why waste time with Jennette's children?" Sesshomaru growled at the dragon snarling out "It's no matter if this Sesshomaru's son is far suppure to some mortal but that they want to steal MY mate and pup!"

"Dear relax now." Athanasa said coldy glaring at her husband, who glared back but shut up and let her countue "We are not just here about that, I don't care if I become Empress but if Jennette and her family" spitting the last word out like venum looking ready to murder those fools "try to harm my son, let me remind you all Amaldeep is Lord Sesshomaru's only pup, for the moment, that means he's the only heir of my husband if he dies. No offence Inuyasha but I know you don't want your daughter or yourself rulling over your late father's lands, do you not?"

"Heck no, those purebloods will come kncoking my first day on the job for two things. 1 my marriage to Kagome dissolved since she's a Priestess and marry a demoness. 2 they want an arranged marriage to my pup since they'll help rule those lands and she's the first female demoness since that ass's mother!" Inuyasha grunted out pointing at his elder brother, the humans looked shook, even Claude did till one eldery lady asked what he ment. 

"I'll tell you, dog demons have the less birth right for demoness" started Koga sitting on the table cross legged (ignoring the humans outraged looked on his behavor) "then any demon kind. Heck wolves have 1 boy out of a litte of 5 every matting season. So that mutt's child is going to be some piece of meat and courted even before she can see. Not by use mind you were all matted here." The rest of the demons nodded, and some started showing portrait of their families ("I have a beutiful fox demoness for a wife and let me tell you having 16 fox cubs is hard, their not even teenagers yet!" cried one fox looking guy holding up a portrait talking to the Duke Robane, who then started to bug his only child for grandbabies..... again) they all kept on themselves, witch shooked everyone seeing those beatiful families, even thought they didn't look human but it shows they loved their families the same.

"Don't forget both pups from the Westerenland took hours to be born, they be more powerful then their parents. Both human and demon alike, especially Youg Lord Amaldeep since his demon aura had a werid gold glow to it." one water demon that looked like a merman said, making all the nobles looked up in shook. 

"Did you say gold?" question Duke Alheus looking shook and scared thinking 'Now that brat has a better chance then Jennette since he might have the royal mana!!!!' while the Westerland Lord and Lady nodded their heads, both knowing why the all look shook. "So by demon standers he's powerful and has the royal mana like you do, isn't that right Athanasia?" asked Claude looking smug since it showed the nobles the mother and son pair are much better to rule instead then Jennette and Ijekiel, but also their descendants would too.

"But your magesty, Princess Jennette has been the perfect princess unlike them! How can they be choosen to rule over her, Athanasia abadon the Empire!" snapped Rosalia Judith in anger, not wanting to loss her chance at her family's path to power. Claude then turned and staired at her before snapping out "Perfect Princess? Perfect Princess? Do you know think I'll allow the Empire to be place in her pefect hands so she can destory us!"

Snapping his fingers he said "Felix bring the evidence in now!" and the Crimson Knight waked to the side of the council room's to the servents doors, an open them to allow the servents to enter carrying in .......

To be continued.......

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