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*The votes our in and you will see the baby's gender soon*

"AWWWWW" screamed Kagome ass the baby kept kicking her hard and the labor pains hurt like fell. The maids stopped every few minutes in fear of the baby coming if they moved to fast but Athy said it was normal for dog demon pups to act like this so they kept moving. Finally they reached a bedroom and helped Kagome onto the bed.

"Hold still!" order Athanasia as she ripped the dress off the pregnant woman before removing her shoes and jewelary. "Princess, what our you doing?" the shock head maid asked as Athy pulled off the last of Kagome's undergarments.

"The baby is going to fight on the way out since it's has demon blood running threw their vains" explained Athy before placing a wet towel on the screaming in pain Kagome's head "it's going to be long and painful but having no clothes on helps." It did since Sesshomaru's mother, Lady Inukimi had been their when Athy was giving birth to Amaldeep ("The coldness will force the pup out much faster then the warmth would work" expained a smirking Inukimi ripping the clothes off of a confussed Athy and the maids screaming in fear, helping with the birth "Trust me.").

Meanwhile in the hallway

"WHY CAN'T I GO IN there?!?!?!" demanded Inuyasha growling at the poor scared maid, who was blocking the doorway to the birthing room. *Mate needs us, fight!* screamed his inner demon as Inuyasha tried to forced the maid to move but was stopped by Sesshomaru.

"Inuyasha, male demons don't help in this area for one reason alone. Mates our the only ones who can help remember?" asked his older brother putting his hand on hanyou's shoulder. Inuyasha sighed remember all the lessons he and Kagome were forced to attened with Inukimi once Athanasia was found to be pregnant.

"Inuyasha." turning and looking down he saw Shippo looking at him in fear and worry "You think mommy Kagome will be alright?" Inuyasha then picked his adopted son up and hugged him to his chest before whispering "Yeah ... Kagome's a fighter she'll get threw this."

*One five hours later*

"WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG!!?!!?!?!?" screamed Inuyasha before he was hit in the head by Koga. "Mutt face each pregnacy and labor our diffrent for each female!" scolded the wolf before turning towards the Lord of the Western Land asking "Didn't Athy spent almost 8 hours giving birth to Amaldeep?"

The older dog demon nodded his head and slowly rocked his sleeping pup "Yes, this Sesshomaru also took longer then that to come into the world. The more powerful the demon the longer the birth in seems." All the demons standing around the hallway nodded their heads in agreement, they seen over the years that demon babies who took longer to be born grew up to be the most powerful onces.

A sound soon came from the bedroom sounding like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAA" and everyone quickly turned their heads. A maid soon walked out with a little bundle in her hands. A baby that looked a lot like Inuyasha;

*What Inuyasha and Kagome's baby looks like; eye color will be found out later*

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*What Inuyasha and Kagome's baby looks like; eye color will be found out later*

"Lord Inuyasha? Your wife is alright but she wanted you to hold the baby first." said the maid as she slowly pasted the baby over to the hayno. Looking down at his beautful pup Inuyasha whispered "Welcome into the world little one~" then place a soft kissed on the baby's forhead.

He then sniffed the pup but frozed before sniffing them again over an over. Everyone watch on worry if something was wroung with the pup, "Inuyasha what is it?" demaned his brother coming closed to his brother.

Inuyasha slowly looked up before whispering so loud that every demon pressent could hear "The pup it's a ...... GIRL!"

YEAH THE BABY IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! Thank you all for voting for the babies gender; witch is now a GIRL!!!! I wonder what will happen next!!! HAPPY READING EVERYONE,BYE!!!!!

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