Lawrence x Reader: 2 stories in one

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A/N: this is the last request and the last time I'll post anything for today. Thank you for reading!

Requested by: DizzyandKokoo

Story 1: The voice in his mind

Lawrence's POV:
I don't quite remember how far I've ran but I remember the school under attack by zombies here and there. I was the first to run out on time before the zombies swarmed the school. Students from far and wide inside the school screamed in agony. I just hoped that y/n, wasn't one of them.

If anything, I'd go back for them.

'I- think I ran far enough' I thought to myself. I looked up, panting only to find a familiar person in a convenient store terrified and face to face with a zombie. My thoughts were going wild, my heard began to race. I couldn't think straight as I watched in terror.

They were backing away screaming and yelling while throwing whatever Y/N could at the zombie as it approached them even closer. I knew I had to do something, anything to save them. But I just stood there horrified, unable what to do.

A voice suddenly came to my mind. It sounded like echoes in my mind. Only two words spoke in my head over and over again.

"Act Now."

And I did.

I flung the door open, Y/N was on the other side of the room while the zombies back was turned to me. I looked to my right to find a bat in the corner of the store and swung it at the zombies head as it collapsed to the ground. I grab ahold of Y/N's hand and made a run for it out the store.

For all I know they are alright. And if it wasn't for the voice echoing in my head...

I don't know what would have happened to them.

Story 2: Staying warm

Lawrence's POV:

It was a cold winter day as the school was full of snow. Students were freezing cold as most of them had forgotten to bring their winter coats with them. I searched throughout the school for Y/N hoping to find them somewhere nearby.

It didn't take long before I found Y/N outside of the school shivering without a coat.

"H-hey Lawrence! Whoa what a cold day a-am I r-right. " Y/N nervously said with a smile. I shook my head chuckling and took off my coat, putting it around them.

"N-No! Lawrence! Y-you'll f-freeze too!"

"I appreciate your concern but look at yourself. You're freezing.'' I replied with a warm smile.

Y/N shook their head. "T-then let's got to the library! It's warm there!''

They held their tiny hands in mine and pulled.

''c'mon!" Y/N said with a struggle to pull me forward. I agreed knowing whatever I said wouldn't make no use.

We were the only ones there as we went to the far corner of the room to stay warm. I held sleepy Y/N tightly in my arms and hoping for the school to last longer because at this point, I didn't want to move anywhere.

                                      End of this book.

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