Harry x reader: scary stories

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You began to tell scary stories to your friends as they shivered in fear. Not knowing yourself that the most important person in your life was scared as well.
Your POV:
''And then..." I continued as my friends inched closer. We were camping late at night in the woods near the house. Not too near so they don't try running back home like scaredy cats. 😈

"It... KILLED THEM!'' I jumped as I said the last two words. Judy and Hailey screamed as they held each other tightly. Eugene and Zion jumped and Scarlett screamed as she covered her eyes in fear. Ethan was startled from his sleep and wide awake while Jay quietly whimpered. Lawrence laughed and Sue said nothing.

Little did I know that Harry was right next to me. I forget that he's not a fan of scary stories but he did say it was fine...


After that, we all went to bed. It wasn't long before I heard the sound of crunching noises. I got out and everyone did the same, we crawled out of our tents as we began to whisper.

"W-what was that?" Scarlett asked.
"W-what if it's the monster." Eugene said with worried eyes.
"You really believed Y/N's story?" Zion rolled his eyes. "Scaredy cat."

"IM NOT A SCAREDY CAT!" He yelled. We shushed him and the crunching noises stopped. We all held our breath.


The footsteps continued.

"... I'll go check.'' I said and got up.

"I'll come with you.'' Harry said. He seemed nervous. I tried not to notice and nodded. No one said anything as we left.


We walked far from the camp. The footsteps have been silent since we left. I looked over my shoulder to find Harry holding his hands together. I tried to say something but just as I opened my mouth, I heard the crunching sound close to us.

Harry yelped in fear while I stood in front of him. The sound was coming from the bushes as they got closer.

And the closer they got...

The more my anxiety went up the roof.


Out popped a small white rabbit looking up at us. We both sighed with relief.

''omg, I can't believe we got scared over nothing." I laughed out loud. He nodded.

"Harry... What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You've been acting very strangely ever since we left..."

And then...

It hit me like a brick.

"...Harry?..." I asked as I held his hands. He was shaking all over.

"Are you scared because of my story?"

He looked at me with worried eyes and nodded.
"Awwww Harry." I said as I hugged him. He hugged back still shaking.

We stayed that way for a bit before coming back to the camp holding hands. I smiled at his cute little blush.
I can't wait till we get married.


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