Zion x reader: broken....

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Your pov:
My name's Y/n, Y/n (last name). I was treated like garbage throughout my days of school especially since kindergarten. I wasn't born with an unbroken heart you know it's pretty obvious to others my heart had always been...


My teachers, the principal, even my own family noticed this. But no matter how much they tried... Nothing helped. Not until this day.


It all started on your 1st week being in high school, you had been pretty beaten up by your classmates as they began to walk away, leaving you laying there on the floor. Your vision was blurry but you could clearly see someone with red hair as you closed your eyes and soon blacked out.

When you woke up, you found yourself laying on the schools hospital beds. You looked around frantically to find your parents sitting down. When they noticed your awakening, they stood up and asked many questions. You never wanted them to see you like this though you couldn't help feeling helpless at the thought you could've just got up and walk to class like it was normal.

"We were so worried..." Your mother said holding your hands in hers. "We were told you were here and we rushed as fast as we could."

"We're more grateful that there was someone who found you." Your father told you, gesturing the boy with red hair standing in front of the curtains. "If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here."

"I'm Zion." He boy with red hair told you as he reached his hand out to you. You shook his hand knowing he was the one who saved you, since his red hair gave it away. "Y/n." You responded back.

For the next few days, this boy followed you all over the place making sure to not lose you out of his sight. Not only were you uncomfortable about this, but surprisingly not many people bothered you when he was around. You kept on tell him that you were okay and that you didn't need a body guard. But he insisted no matter what you told him. Of course you thought your parents had something to do with this and hit hurt you more than you already were.

"You really don't have to do this..." You told him at break. "Look, I don't know if my parents are up to this but if they are, don't listen to them."

He stayed silent for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed.
"So does this mean I can even protect my crush whether their parents let me or not?"

You were shocked to hear the word "crush". Usually people call you negative things whenever you had feelings towards that person. You did have feelings for Zion, but you didn't think there was a point to it knowing he wouldn't like you back. Just like all the rest.

But to hear him say something like that made you feel like you were wanted.
"Your kidding..." You told him while giving him a glare. "I don't believe you. You must be saying that cause you want something, am I correct. If you want money I don't think that's possible."

He laughed at your response. "Sorry. No offense but my parents are wealthy. I don't want your money...." He said as he got close to you. "I want...


"Then prove it." You told him. Startled he blushed red. "W-wha-"
"Prove it that you want me." You demanded. You didn't want your feelings to be played, so you wanted to make sure that he meant.

"Prove it huh...." He told you giving a shy yet sinister look. He then got a little more closer to you as your back was against the wall. He then slammed both his hands against the wall pinning you there. Your heart raced and so many emotions all at once raced on your head.

Without hesitation, he Kissed my lips softly but quickly.
"Does that answer your question?" He said looking away flustered.
You hugged him close.

"Yes...." You said with tears in your eyes, knowing his words were true.

"Yes it does..."

The End...

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