Ethan x reader: baseball game

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As I watched the game in amusement, not everyone here was happy....
There were two teams playing.

The team I was cheering on is losing 2 out of 5.

"Argh that stupid kid!" A man next to me yelled. I flinched by how loud he yelled out his own thoughts. "Please stop." I told the man with a forced smile. This man was probably in his 50's and was dressed him his (teams name) clothing. He had brown white hair and wouldn't stop complaining about that one baseball player who couldn't run fast.

Me feeling bad at the fact that the man was being rude I decided to end his complaining.
"What!?" The man yelled in an angry tone. "He shouldn't be here if he doesn't know how to play!!"

"Don't hate the player, hate the game." An unfamiliar voice said as A man with dark blue hair sat down beside me eating his popcorn calmly.
"Tch!" The old man to my left who was getting tired of talking stood up and stormed off to who knows where ....

"You okay?" The blue headed man that spoke before asked me.
"Y-yeah...thanks." I responded stuttering. "Don't mention it." He replied turning back to the game.

I stayed quiet throughout the whole game till it ended...

Though what happened next surprised me.
After the game ended with 3 to 7 the baseball player that the old man complained about silently walked towards the boys locker room and by his expression... He seemed very upset with himself.

As me and the blue headed boy walked out I felt very guilty for not telling the old man off about his behavior towards the baseball player. As I was busy in my thoughts, it was soon interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head towards the blue headed man.

"Wanna stay here with me for a bit?" He asked
"Uh, sure." I said looking away blushing.

You couldn't help the fact that even if it's your first time meeting him, you found his appearance to be very polite, handsome, and good looking.

As you both waited for a long time, to your surprise the baseball player from before walked out of the baseball studio with an upsetting face but was later then startled to see the two of you standing there as if you were both waiting for him to come out.

Scared out of his wits, he tried to get away judging by how tall the blue headed man was would probably give him a beating after how terrible he was in the game. "Now hold on." The blue headed man put his hands out blocking him from leaving. The baseball player whimpered as he backed away a bit. The blue headed man came closer as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"I just wanted to say you were great back there. Let no one tell you different."

Everything was silent til the baseball player broke down in tears. "B-but i-" he said with more tears coming out of his hazel eyes.
"Your names Mike right? Well Mike just because you listen to what other people say about you that doesn't mean you should be the one listening to them. Your a good baseball player just know that. Learn from your mistakes and show others who you truly are.'' he told the baseball player named Mike that the way he showed so much pride made you melt into his kind words.

Mike looked up at him and smiled. "T-thank you and I will!"

Mike later then left as it was just me and the blue headed man. You looked up at him and smiled
"That was sweet of you."
He shrugged. "He looked like he needed it." You laughed at his response making him smile a bit.

'cute' he thought to himself.

"I'm y/n btw nice to meet you." You told him reaching your hand out to him.

"Ethan." He responded and shook your hand. He let go as you noticed a crumpled up paper in your palm. When you looked up to ask he was already walking away. He gave you one last smile.
"It was nice to see you y/n."
And with that, he walked away.

Curious, you opened the paper up and to your surprise, you found his name and number on that paper.

The End...

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