Chapter Two

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George hated Dream to the core of his sole existence. Sure, maybe if George hadn't spit at Dream's feet, calling him a prick when he first met him maybe, just maybe they'd get along and all.

But this isn't that reality, so fuck thinking like that. They're rivals and it is no secret, even the teachers knew, and were sick of it.

So here George was, walking to the principal's office with Mr. Philza with Dream. It was Dream's fault, he ran into him at 100 miles an hour, so George's only reaction was to call him a prick, but what hurt is that? Dream started it, so he'd say anything just to keep himself away from the disastrous bastard.

"You two.. You have got to get over this pity rivalry." Philza says, sighing. "We're here now, wait out here for a second." He says before entering the office.

"You know, we're here because of your dumb ass." George spat, adjusting the goggles on his head. He sighed, looking at his watch, then glancing up at Dream, who's brows were furrowed. George bit his lip in a shitty attempt to bite back a smile, he knew Dream was gonna explode and it was gonna be when the principal would come out.

"My fault? Are you kidding me? Yo— You know if you had the tiniest bit of human decency then maybe, JUST MAYBE then we wouldn't be in this fucking—" Dream spat, his finger drilling into George's chest.

"Boys! Boys, boys." Their dreaded principal's voice boomed. Schlatt, or, President Schlatt, Tyrant Schlatt, the school called him. "Lets calm down, eh?" He said, his accent pissing George off a little.

George peeked over at his peer, even if he hated him, they can probably mutually agree that they hate their principal. As expected, Dream looked a little ticked off.

"Please, come into my office, Niki's waiting." Schlatt said in a somewhat inviting tone, exaggerated if anything. Schlatt entered the office, George and Dream following behind, Philza leaving for his lesson.

Just as Schlatt said, Niki was sitting behind his desk right next to Schlatts chair. His office was so painfully American, American and New York flags were hung in his room, but at the same time, it was simple. George felt like he was going to court.

"Hello!" Niki's voice was soft, compared to Schlatts booming, head hurting voice. Compared to anyone, really. "Um.. You boys are in for.. F— Fighting?" She asked, looking up at them.

"Well, not really. Someone ran into me because they weren't paying attention." George bit, rolling his eyes.

"What?!" Dream yelled, he was now hunched over the desk, looking at George, tense now compared to his old, relaxed position. "My fault? I apologized instantly and you were the one who started cussing me out!"

"Boys—" Niki tried interjecting, her face becoming rather worried.

"Oh, I dunno Dream, maybe you should try paying attention to your surroundings!" George spat back, his brows now furrowed in defense.


"M— Maybe you're just that short! Dumbass!" Dream yelled, gritting his teeth. Schlatt, at this point, was just laughing his ass off, but Niki wasn't having any of it anymore.

"Dream! George! I will not sit here and be disrespected like this! Shut your mouths and listen!" Niki yelled, catching both their attention. They both looked at each other, then at Niki. "You boys need to cooperate, now. We have, however, come up with a punishment.

     We feared for the lack of you two getting along that it would impact your studies, and so that fear did come. We would switch your classes, however, this can't keep going on forever.

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