Chapter Three

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I sat there as Sister layed on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful. I took off my jacket, laying it under her head. I stood up, walking toward the school. My mind was on home. Not America, but Russia. I never really knew my parents, they died when I was five. The only real family I knew was Sister. She raised me along with our foster parents. People would think that Sister would be the more mature one but that's me. Her way of coping is blowing it off with pranks. Sister watched the die. She didn't tell anybody how, but all this time she held it in. I looked up happened to find myself at music room 3. I walked in hoping apologize for earlier but now one was here.


Someone is poking me. Figuring it was Brother I opened my eyes peacefully. But when I saw the Host Club I shot up pulling my arm back punching whoever was poking me. Brother ran up and grabbed my wrist shaking his head.

They came to apologize. He thought as giving me a stern look. Back off.

Why? I shot back. They woke me up. Woke. Me. Up. With the fire still in my eyes I put my hand down reluctantly. Tamaki was hiding behind Kyoya.

"Mommy, Joan tried to punch me!" Tamaki complained. I shot him a glare and walked toward the gate. "Joan, you can't leave."

"Well, here I am doing it now." I said as slowly walking out the gate. Exaggerating my every move.

"Sister! Come back." Brother yelled at me.

"You can't boss me around. I'm the older one here, so don't." I said as running out into the forest.


"Where did she go?" I asked. John was pacing around frantically.

"I don't know. We need to find her. And quickly." John said as suddenly falling to his knees.

"It's okay." Hikaru said as kneeling down next to John. "We will find her." John nodded as standing up slowly.

"Mommy! Where do you think she is?" I asked Kyoya.

"She ran toward the park so I think we should check there first." Kyoya stated. I nodded as pointing to the spot where Haruhi once stood.

"Where's Haruhi?" I yelled as running in circles. Where could she be?

Russian Twin Trouble **OHSHC**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora